In Luke 5 we see Peter and his brothers minding their own business fishing on Lake Gennesaret. Little did they know what they were about to get into when they allowed Jesus to preach a sermon on their boat. Their business and lives would never be the same. Shifting from alleviating to creating prosperity Poverty, unemployment, and hopelessness are unfortunate realities for too many people in our urban communities. Churches are called to reach the poor, but they can't have transformational impact working by themselves. They must partner with businesses to make this happen. In fact they might need to partner with your business... Economic Evangelism 2.1 is a Kingdom-driven community transformation strategy with the goal of providing powerfully viable alternatives to the harsh financial realities faced by millions. The focus is on developing innovative strategies and utilizing fresh solutions to empower people spiritually, financially, and socially through faith based business initiatives. Utilizing a Gospel-centered foundation, instead of just focusing on alleviating poverty, our aim is toward creating holistic prosperity. We're past teaching people how to fish. We need to teach them how to own the pond! FREE Economic Evangelism 2.1 Webinar I'm excited to host a complimentary Economic Evangelism 2.1 webinar where you will learn the following...
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Dream B.I.G. in 3D will take you on an internal treasure hunt to connect your career path to your purpose. Click here to learn more...
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