Have you ever been offended by God Because he didn’t answer your prayer in the timeframe that you desired in the way that you expected? Most of us have, although we don’t like to admit it. So how does that happen? I discuss that and more on my special Christmas episode of The Disruptors streaming bible study titled “Looking for the Wrong Jesus.” Enjoy and Merry Christmas!!
You can watch the video here or listen to the audio of The Disruptors Podcast in my mobile app. I also encourage you to join us for our next live broadcast Monday at 8:30 PM est. "Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin…" ~ Zechariah 4:10 "Better is the end of a thing than its beginning, and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit." ~ Ecclesiastes 7:8 A lowly feeding trough in a rinky-dink motel in a small dusty town and a killer king looking for you. Doesn't sound like the place or environment where a world-changer would be birthed. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the perfect example for you to model that it doesn't matter how you started when compared to how you end. He had the deck stacked against him in just about every way when he was born - socially, economically, and politically. Yet God had already prepared for him to prosper long before he arrived on the planet, so it didn't matter where Jesus was born or the circumstances into which he was born. Slow sales. Low number of web hits. Revenue goals far below your expectations. Seemingly falling further and further behind your competitors. Doesn't sound like the situation from which a successful, prosperous Kingdom-building entrepreneur would be birthed. Nevertheless, according to Psalm 139:13-18, God already planned for you to prosper just like He planned for Jesus to prosper. So it doesn't matter what your life situations look like now. It also doesn't matter what you have or haven't accomplished yet in your business or what went right or wrong in 2013. Just embrace that you are inside of God's perfect plan. What matters most is your perspective, as in looking from where you are instead of at where you are. You must refocus your faith on where God is taking you, instead of all the challenges that are facing you. Remember the greatest story ever told didn't end in a manger, it only began there. Enjoy your Christmas! Leave your comments below... In this season of giving it's a great feeling to give gifts to others. It's event better to give gifts that have a continual, long-lasting benefit. Well this is exactly what you get when you purchase products from the KBU Online Store for yourself and fellow entrepreneurs. And we want to make it even more beneficial for you to invest in your own success and the success of others. Until the end of the year you can get a super 30% discount off all the products in the KBU Online Store! There's some great downloadable resources that will help you and your colleagues grow your businesses exponentially. Proceeds will help us continue our work at Metro Merge Small Business Incubator to fight poverty by training entrepreneurs and growing small businesses. Just go to http://kbustore.dpdcart.com and when you check out don't forget to use Promo Code: CHRISTMAS Enjoy these audio samples of what you'll find in the KBU Online Store... Big businesses often gets a bad rap because of practices that lead many people to believe they are only motivated by greed, selfishness, and an unyielding pursuit of profits by any means necessary. Well of course every business doesn't operate like this - especially those built on Kingdom principles - so it's really cool when you hear a story about a company who does something unique, creative and impactful for its customers. Enjoy this awesome video about what WestJet did during a recent Christmas season... What are you thoughts on this video and how your company could go out of its way to create a special experience for customers? Leave your comments below... Global Regime ChangeThis week we celebrate a hostile takeover. Now most people don't typically associate the birth of Jesus with a term usually referencing corporate business wheeling and dealing. However, the arrival of Jesus in Bethlehem was very much a divinely orchestrated power play to return control of the earth to its rightful shareholders. Don't get it twisted. Although he showed up as sweet baby Jesus, he arrived in the earthly boardroom with an agenda of eternal proportions. He came to implement a regime change. He came to restore a Kingdom that was lost in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve sinned. He came to snatch back dominion from our common enemy and return it to those whom God had intended to have it in the first place. And although he may not have come with a sword-wielding, horse-riding army (that will be the next time), nevertheless he came with unquestionable power and authority. The Government Shall Rest Upon His Shoulders"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. Not only did Jesus come to reestablish his Kingdom on earth, he came to re-delegate the responsibility of running that Kingdom to us. As executors of his earthly estate, his expectation is that we will expand his Kingdom exponentially before he returns for his final eternal rule. Of course this Kingdom expansion is not about gaining more land, it's about growing his family through spiritually transformed lives. Fortunately for us Jesus has already done the heavy lifting. His marvelous victory on the cross conquered ALL of our enemies and resulted in us becoming royal heirs of an infinite, immeasurable inheritance. He made us kings and priests unto God. He made us governmental ambassadors with divine rights. He gave us everything we need for life in godliness. He gave us every spiritual blessing. He gave us powerful weapons to claim our victory. And he gave us a comforter and counselor in the Holy Spirit to direct our decisions and empower us to manifest his promises. Time for a Personal Regime ChangeAs wise investors, if you want to profit from this heaven-directed hostile takeover all you have to do is receive what Jesus has already done. You don't have to be in the 1%. You don't have to be rich or have the inside scoop on the IPO. You don't have to know the right people or work for the right company. All you have to do is receive the gift that's been freely given to you. And he promised that the profits you receive from that transaction will be exceedingly and abundantly far beyond all that you can ask think or imagine.
If Jesus is not the CEO of your life it's time for a personal regime change. You will know if he's your real CEO based on how you treat other people, the content of your thoughts, how you spend your time, how you apply your talents, and how you spend your money. If you don't acknowledge and obey him in all of your ways he's not the CEO. And although he was hostile in taking control of the earth back from the enemy, he won't be hostile in taking control of your life. He will only do that with your permission. The greatest profit you can receive in your life is to allow Jesus to become your personal CEO. And now is the perfect time for a change. |
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