God gives every man/person a purpose that comes gift-wrapped in a dream. Our marketplace assignment is one of the major strategies God uses for us to fulfill that purpose. These affirmations would help to reinforce who God has called you to be and what he has called you to accomplish for His glory through your business.
As a Christian entrepreneur living in this world sometimes it can be easy to get off course due to different pressures that we all face in business and in life. However, it's wonderful when we can have those pivotal moments where we wake up and realize what we're really in business to do. Our business has a much greater purpose than money...
In a recent blog I wrote, What it Really Means to be a Christian C.E.O., I defined the position of CEO from God's perspective. From His perspective, C.E.O. stands for "Christ's Executive Officer." The focus of that article was on those who start and/or lead companies. However, this definition of C.E.O. can be expanded beyond just business owners and would also include any Christian who has a leadership position directly responsible for other people. Here is how this divine understanding of C.E.O. relates to any Christian in any type of leadership role:
As you can see this description is not just for Christian business owners. This broader understand of a C.E.O. applies to you if you work for a company and have management responsibility over other people. God is giving you the opportunity and empowerment to impact lives through your leadership. So the next time somebody asks you if you're a C.E.O., give them a resounding YES! Did you know the manifestation of your dream was meant to be a gift from God that keeps giving to others? On the most recent Sunday night Dream Catalyst Weekly Prayer Call I taught about the Parable of the Ten Minas found in Luke 19. One of the key principles gleaned from this parable - similar to the Parable of the Talents found in Matthew 25 - is that the most significant reward for our faithfulness is not money. Instead it's responsibility that's connected to influence over people. We must recognize that the dream given to us by God comes with His expectation that through the fulfillment of our dreams our lives will continually be a blessing to others. Click here to listen to the prayer call and download the teaching notes. Have a blessed day! Feel free to write your comments below...
During this week's prayer call devotional I shared how God, like he did with Joseph, will take you through a process of maturation where you go from dreaming to interpreting dreams to managing dreams. The place where God has called you to manage dreams - industry, region, community, etc. - is the place of your designated dominion. This means your God-driven dream is the platform for your influence and authority in the earth. Enjoy the audio recording below and I look forward to you being on the Dream Catalyst Prayer Call call this Sunday! Please leave your comments below... “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” ~ Mark 16:15 This is an excerpt of an email devotional sent by Patrice Tsague, Chief Servant Officer of Nehemiah Project International Ministries…
I recently heard a story of a kingdom business steward who, after many years of sharing the Gospel with an employee in his sales department, finally won him over to the Lord. During an event the employee was asked to share his testimony with the guests. He stood up and shared how excited he was when his boss kept talking to him about the Great Commission. As a sales person who was primarily paid on commission, hearing about the Great Commission excited him. Of course the commission his boss was referring to was a commission more valuable than a percentage of any sales transaction. This commission would give him an invaluable and eternal compensation. Like this sales person, I too was brought to the Lord through finances. It was in the early 1990’s when I was introduced to a kingdom business steward. While my interest in him was purely driven by economic incentives, his interest in me was motivated by the fact that I was a lost soul who desperately needed to be saved. As I pursued him for money and wisdom, his commitment to fulfilling the Great Commission was unwavering which finally led me to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior, and my life has never been the same since. How did you come to Christ? Who was the disciple whose commitment to the Great Commission led you to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? The Great Commission is an eternal mandate to all who claim to be disciples of Jesus Christ. As Christians, we have an obligation to share the good news we have received with the lost and commit to disciple them until they conform to the image of the Lord Jesus Christ. This commission originated from God the Father. The first person to receive the commission was Adam, the first earthly son. The earth was unpopulated so Adam’s commission was to populate the earth with other children of God who would reflect His image and likeness and carry out His will in the earthly realm (Genesis 1:28). After Adam sinned, the Lord raised up Abraham and gave him the same mandate. It would be through Abraham that all the families of the earth would be blessed (Genesis 12:1-3). Though Abraham’s commission would bring blessings to the people of the world, it could not undo the spiritual damage that Adam committed since that required the shedding of blood. So God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to restore spiritual order by dying on the cross (John 3:16). Jesus then passed the commission to His disciples and to all of those who would come to believe in Him (Mark 16:15). Among all of Jesus’ disciples, kingdom business stewards are uniquely positioned to fulfill this great mandate since the marketplace is where most unsaved people spend much of their time. No matter what industry or type of business you are involved in, each of us must have as a part of our business plan a great commission strategy. How will you, through your businesses, share this great news with others and support those who accept it towards maturity in Christ? Read more great devotionals by Patrice at www.nehemiahproject.org. Leave your comments below... Who doesn't like getting something great for free? Now you can download a free excerpt of my recently released book, Inc. My Dream: A God-Inspired Process to Turn Your BIG Idea Into a Dream Business. Think of this like a test drive through a inspirational and practical business book that utilizes Kingdom business principles to walk you through the steps to plan, launch, and grow a profitable and sustainable business that has a social impact in your local community. If you weren't sure what to expect from this book, now your concerns can be alleviated. In addition to this great book (if I do say so myself :-), you will also receive one of my free teachings, 7 Fundamentals of Christian Business Success. This dynamic session will give you powerful foundational principles for what it takes to a grow a flourishing business. These insights were culminated from my extensive experience over many years as a small business consultant. I'm excited to offer these two very useful gifts to you to help you continue on your business journey to significance and success for the glory of God. Just download and enjoy! Entrepreneurship is often one of the overlooked areas in life where we have the opportunity and ability to express our divine DNA in a significant way. It not only empowers the person who exercises these creative gifts. The recipients of God-inspired, value-adding good works can receive the benefits of solutions that bring real, positive, lasting change to their lives. When this is happening on a local and global scale through entrepreneurial Christians, the world will really see our lights shine through our good works and glorify God in Heaven. This is especially relevant as it relates to helping people get out of poverty. Often times those in our society who have been disenfranchised, disregarded, and discarded don't recognize the fact that they were made in the image of God and have innate abilities to change their situation. They must be reminded of the greatness that God has placed in them and be invited into environments where that greatness has the opportunity to mature. This is our primary focus and commitment at Kinsman, Inc. We are committed to creating opportunities and environments that empower people to recognize their God-given purpose, gifts, and internal assets to become change agents in their families and communities. For many this could result in launching and growing a profitable, purpose-driven business. For others the outcome may be a higher valuation of their own self-worth, which gives them the confidence to pursue opportunities in the workplace they never before thought they could attain. The book that I recently released, Inc. My Dream: A God Inspired Process to Turn Your BIG Idea Into a Dream Business, helps to support this vision. It was written with the intent to equip people to tap into the entrepreneurial mind of Christ and activate the divine characteristics of entrepreneurship that He put in them to solve problems and change lives through business ventures. It contains Biblical insights, practical instructions, and inspirational energy to help aspiring entrepreneurs build an actionable business strategy around their idea, so they can transform it from a concept into a profitable reality. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book will go to support the $100,000 budget that we have established for our programs over the next 12 months, which include:
Click here to purchase your copy of Inc. My Dream on Amazon.com The spirit of entrepreneurism reflects the divine nature of the Father. We are going to help restore this needed attribute in families and communities. Please join us in this venture. Leave your comments below... Reserve your copy of Inc. My Dream: A God Inspired Process to Turn Your BIG Idea a Dream Business today at www.incmydream.com!
RELATED: Inc. My Dream 201 - Who Will This Book Help? Leave your comments below... Reserve your copy of Inc. My Dream: A God Inspired Process to Turn Your BIG Idea a Dream Business today at www.incmydream.com!
RELATED: Inc. My Dream 101 - Where Did This Idea Come From? Leave your comments below... |
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