​In order to gain everything that you want in your career, you must first let go of some things. Enjoy part 2 of this powerful teaching that will help you find fulfillment and success in your profession.
One common denominator between current and aspiring entrepreneurs is the fact that marketing has to be one of your core focus areas. Without marketing, the greatest products and services will die on the vine, so to speak. That's the main reason why I spent of a lot of time dealing with marketing in my recently release book, Inc. My Dream: A God Inspired Process to Turn Your BIG Idea Into a Dream Business. The awesome thing is many Biblical principles relate directly to your marketing success as a purpose-driven entrepreneur. God's wisdom provides us everything we need to succeed in life, including our business ventures.
Well, there's more good news for you. On September 1st, Kingdom Business University will kick-off an online small business course focused on essential aspects of marketing that will equip you to significantly increase your sales revenues. This course, entitled "Love Thy Customers: And Other Radical Strategies to Grow a Flourishing Business," is based on content from Inc. My Dream and will provide you with breakthrough branding, marketing, and sales strategies to grow a booming business and become a leader in your industry that customers love to do business with. This course will help you to:
While some aspects of marketing may seem difficult, it really all boils down to knowing how to effectively engage people. It's not rocket science and it doesn't have to be something you shy away from. In this course you will learn how to extract practical skills and tools from Biblical principles in order to impact people in significant ways that transition them from unknown prospects to becoming loyal, paying customers. An added bonus is that I will coach you on how to apply these principles specifically to your business based on my long-time experience as a business consultant and entrepreneur. This will be a great learning experience whether you're a knowledgeable entrepreneur or just getting started in business. Learn more about this and other upcoming courses at www.kbuonline.com. Leave your comments below... Tony Gaskins, Jr. will be my special guest on to open our fall season of Passion in Action TV Thursday, September 5th. Tony has been a guest on The Oprah Winfrey Show to share his dark story of once being a toxic and abusive boyfriend while in college with his ex-girlfriend. Tony admitted to things the average man would carry to his grave. His reasoning was to turn his mess into his message and to use his story for God’s glory. He knew that in order to help others change their lives, he had to be willing to admit his own faults as a man. It was his pain which birthed his purpose. He humbled himself and revealed his mistakes as a young man. The day after appearing on The Oprah Winfrey Show, the producers of The Tyra Banks Show called Tony. Tony was featured on Tyra Banks’ show as a guest expert with his self-published book in hand. This was a book that Tony wrote at the mere age of 22 years old when he was fresh out of the dating game. He played the game worse than most men and survived to tell about it in his books. After the talk show appearances, Tony was featured on TBN’s 700 Club. He had visited three globally-televised shows all within a few months while acting as his own agent, manager and publicist. Tony has traveled all over the country speaking to groups of all ages. He is one of the most sought-after speakers in the USA. He speaks on topics of love, business, success and self-development. He has addressed audiences for countless colleges and universities, major sports organizations and churches. In addition, he is finally conquering his fear of flying so that he can accept the hundreds of invites from around the globe. Tony is an author of several books and a professional life coach by day, coaching people from all walks of life all around the globe. He is also a TV & film producer on the rise, ghostwriter and an author/business/social media consultant. Because of his vast life experiences, Tony has become a jack-of-all-trades but a master of service. It is his belief that as we live, we should teach. This philosophy urged him to create online schools for people who desire to learn about love and relationships, entrepreneurship or becoming a life coach. He also organizes and hosts retreats for those who need to get away, have a great time, and change their lives in the process. Tony’s story is a testament that it doesn’t matter where you come from or what you’ve been through; if you want better for your life, then you can have it. The choice is yours! ![]() You definitely don't want to miss this show. Learn more about how Frank's strategies for finding a dream job in a down economy this Thursday, September 5th, streaming live at 7 PM EST only at www.passioninaction.tv. You can watch on your computer or any mobile device. See you Thursday! "A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls." ~ Proverbs 25:28 "Pursue your passions!" This is a statement that you will hear from nearly all motivators, pastors, parents, teachers, advisers, mentors, and others preach to people almost daily, as if that’s the magic formula to lifelong happiness and success. Unfortunately, they don’t always tell you that “pursue your passions” is only part of the equation. As important as it is to pursue your passions, it’s equally important to make sure you steer your passions in the right direction. If passion can be equated to a raging river, purpose is the river banks. Knowing your purpose provides direction and restraint for your passions. Purpose helps to control and contain your vigor and energy. Purpose channels your passions toward meaningful and fruitful ends. Purpose is the discipline that guides your zeal to produce profitable endeavors. Purpose ensures that you have the opportunity to maximize the potential of what your passions can accomplish. Whether in business, relationships, or life in general, people run into all kinds of trouble when they don’t know how or aren’t able to channel their passions in a positive and profitable direction. These people are like swamps. One big difference between a river and a swamp is that the river has boundaries, which keeps the water flowing as a powerful force. The swamp’s lack of boundaries allows its water to overflow its banks, become stagnant, and emit a foul stench. People love rivers, but very few actually enjoy being near a swamp. (MORE: Learn more about Passion @ Work Training Workshops) In the last few years, it’s easy to see that we have had many “swamp creatures” appear in boardrooms, pulpits, the public square, and society overall. They allowed their passions to run rampant, ruining their reputations and causing major collateral damage. When it comes to your passions, don’t be like a swamp. Instead be like a river that’s purposeful, powerful, and profitable! How do you channel your passions in the most profitable direction? Leave your comments below... (MORE: Watch Passion In Action TV live streaming or on demand at www.passioninaction.tv) **************************************** Leadership Development Resources![]() My first guest for this new 2013 season of Passion in Action TV is Kenny Pugh. Kenny is the Founder of Kenny Pugh, LLC, the platform on which he exercises a versatile professional life as a keynote speaker, an author, and a coach. Kenny has over 16 years of experience in Corporate America, primarily working in the financial services industry. He has worked with many of the world’s top companies including Accenture, Chase Bank, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, SunTrust, LendingTree.com, Microsoft HomeAdvisor, Wachovia, Washington Mutual & AT&T. In 2011, Kenny was awarded the Gospel Choice “Rising Star” award for his impact in the lives of single adults and work in the community. Kenny has a passion for establishing, enhancing and restoring interpersonal relationships. He wishes to serve as a vessel of understanding in an era of disconnected, aimless, and broken relationships, and to soothe adversities of all forms, whether practical, relational, or spiritual. Through years of experience as a facilitator, workshop presenter, and keynote speaker at various conferences, ministry services, and corporate events, Kenny has refined the sense of effective communication within relationships that gives them the groundwork to flourish. With the knowledge and vision to explore the common hardships of life and transform them with various communication strategies, Kenny found his life purpose in helping others pursue their purpose, understand finances and restore the foundation of their relationships. Now, his mission is to encourage, empower, and equip people to reach their God-given potential through public speaking and personal coaching. Kenny believes in presenting information in a manner that is simple, practical, and easy to understand, and his teachings have touched on a variety of key topics, such as finances (budget & credit management), purpose, effective leadership, interpersonal relationships, sexual purity and ministry. He has published several articles related to his knowledge of personal development, relationships and financial knowledge of the financial services industry. Connect with Kenny via Social Media for free finance, business, relationship tips and advice. Facebook: Kenny Pugh’s Facebook Page Twitter: https://twitter.com/mrkennypugh YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/kennypugh Watch the live stream online this Thursday, January 17th at 7pm ET only on www.passioninaction.tv. You can also watch our previous shows right now. See you Thursday! Most entrepreneurs want to build a big business, but they are often focused on temporal measures of success that won't stand the tests of time. However, a “B.I.G.” (Bold, Innovative, God-Inspired) business is one that focuses on building significance, i.e. the ultimate legacy that you want to create based on how you and your business impacts people and communities. Significance happens by helping others achieve success. If you focus your efforts on building a significant business, you will definitely reap success along the way. Here are 13 B.I.G. ideas to propel you to have a significant championship year personally and professionally in 2013:
What are some of your B.I.G. ideas for 2013? Leave your comments below... ********************************* Start your new year off right with Inc. My Dream! Business Planning System. Click below to learn more...
Learn from your yesterday to make decisions for your today that benefit your tomorrow.
Last week I wrote Part 1 of How to Achieve Successful Setbacks. Here's Part 2... One of the things that keeps me going after a setback is that I don’t run my business just for the sake of money, fame or success. I see a much bigger purpose for my business and my life. I am living a legacy, so that I can leave for the next generation. Therefore, when I am confronted by challenges, I need to see beyond myself in terms of how I handle them. I love the quote from the movie Gladiator, when Maximus tells his men who are about to go into battle that “what we do today will echo into eternity“. The focus of your life should not be just what happens to you today, but the legacy that you will leave tomorrow. I operate from the perspective that the things that happen in my life aren’t just about how they impact me. I consider how my experience could benefit the people that I will meet later in life who could be facing a similar situation. I think about how life lessons that I learn through difficult tests will help me to be a resource to my children as they confront comparable challenges. Therefore, when I am faced with setbacks, I know that I can’t quit because someone important to me is waiting for me – even depending on me – to succeed. And that person may not even be born yet. Whether you realize it or not, someone is waiting on you to succeed also. Perseverance is a key component of a successful setback. And while persevering for your own goals is great, persevering to help others reach their goals is even better. I believe the human spirit comes alive when we fight to help others achieve a better life. A great sense of fulfillment awaits those who persevere for the benefit of others. A key question to ask yourself is “What are you a part of that’s bigger than you, that can’t be accomplished by only you?” If your vision for your business or life is not on that grand of a scale then it needs to get bigger. When you discover and embrace the fact that your purpose in life incorporates more people than just you, you will adjust how you see life and how you respond to the things that happen to you. One of the critical roadblocks that keeps people from extending themselves to others is fear. Fear paralyzes people, keeping them from stepping outside of their comfort zones, either to get help or to give it. It also prevents them from bouncing back quickly from their setbacks, because often it takes connecting with those outside of our comfort zones to get us back on track. We can learn a lot from others’ experiences that will help us get back on our feet after a setback. Your relationships will determine your results in life. If you try to do life alone and self-focused, you will fall far below your success potential. As you finish strong in 2012, think about somebody (or somebodies) into whom you can invest your time, talents and resources. Let that person or group of people be part of what drives your determination when you encounter frustrations. Don’t let fear or anything else prevent you from connecting with the people who you need… or the ones who need you. Remember that a setback is a set-up for you to develop the character and internal fortitude you need for the journey that lies ahead of you. If you’re going to fail, then fail while moving forward toward your goals and dreams. Keep learning and keep growing. I look forward to your success! How do you successfully overcome setbacks in your life? Recently CNN.com posted an article, 'The Demise of Guys: How Video Games and Porn Are Ruining a Generation', in which two researchers concluded:
"The excessive use of video games and online porn in pursuit of the next thing is creating a generation of risk-averse guys who are unable (and unwilling) to navigate the complexities and risks inherent to real-life relationships, school and employment." This outlook doesn't bode well for a society that is desperately in need of genuine, effective male leaders who love God and the people He has positioned them to be in relationship with, including wives, children, co-workers, congregations, and communities. One thing that screamed loudly at me from this article was the concern that men and boys who are consumed in the lifestyles of porn and video game addiction lack the understanding and embracing of their life purpose. They yearn for artificial intimacy and intelligence, and neglect the life-giving pursuits, including relationships, that we all need to sustain a healthy, whole, and fulfilling life. Proverbs 29:18 tells us that without a vision, people die. Those who have no perspective of the future, or how they should be living their lives for something greater than the continual pursuit of momentary gratification, eventually die from the inside out because they stop nourishing healthy hopes and dreams. The discovery of one's purpose - as we pursue God - becomes one of the greatest treasures that we can receive in this life. However, it can also be a great factor that leads to one's downfall if they go through life without ever finding "that thing" that drives, guides, and directs them to a productive, prosperous, and satisfying life. Without knowing our purpose (and the Giver of our purpose), how else do we know how to optimally utilize our thoughts, times, talents, relationships, and resources to produce a life greater than what we currently experience? I am committed to helping reroute the trajectory of our culture from what we see now to an environment that helps men cultivate a healthy life perspective that's centered on their purpose. The book God inspired me to write, Dream B.I.G. in 3D: How to Pursue a Bold, Innovative, God-Inspired Life!, is for those who are unaware or confused about the awesome destiny God has planned for them. It helps people identify and confirm the reasons God gave them life, i.e. their assignment in the earth. This was written as a workbook that guides people through a practical, introspective process of uncovering the person God created you to be, while also providing the inspiration to achieve the greatness for which you were born. If you have a husband, father, son, brother, cousin, friend, neighbor, or any other man in your life who you know needs help with finding direction in his life, please purchase this book for them. This weekend is Father's Day, so it's a great time to help them, especially if you feel you need to be inconspicuous about it. If you want to learn more about Dream B.I.G. in 3D, please visit www.dreambigin3d.com. An ebook version is also available at www.dreambigebook.com. I refuse to be part of the generation that stood around and let the "demise of guys" happen on my watch. How about you? ![]() Having the entrepreneurial mind of Christ means that we are creating value and providing solutions that bring glory to God in every area of our lives, including our relationships. As we hear statistics that the Christian divorce rate is at the same level or above non-Christians, one has to wonder what's going wrong. One thing we can infer that's probably happening is that Christians are approaching their singlehood and dating relationships with the wrong perspective, which then causes them to get into marriage with the wrong perspective. Last month on Passion in Action I had the opportunity to interview a good friend, Kenny Pugh, who has dedicated his life and ministry to helping Christian singles develop better decision-making in their dating relationships. His book, Can You Do It Standing Up?: A Different Position on Relationships, is already a big hit. Click this link to check out my Passion in Action interview with Kenny... http://apps.attainresponse.com/MediaF5/liveRecording.htm?id=312989 |
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![]() Dream B.I.G. in 3D will take you on an internal treasure hunt to connect your career path to your purpose. Click here to learn more...
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