"Every problem is a business... The man who solves it becomes an employer!" ~ Dr. Myles Munroe A sure way to achieve success in business is to solve other people's problems profitably. When you produce solutions that help other people or organizations do something better, easier, faster, or cheaper you can just about guarantee that you will be compensated handsomely. Further, when you do it well enough and over a long period of time, your reputation as a problem solver will bring business to your doorstep. Whether you're an employee or entrepreneur, problem solvers are always in demand and never go out of style. No matter what industry you're in or career path you follow, problem solving skills are always at a premium. Regardless of what your job description says, if you're a great problem solver you will be easy to promote and hard to fire. RELATED: Dream B.I.G. in 3D: How to Pursue a Bold, Innovative, God-Inspired Life! The more problems you see the more ideas should be generated in your mind that can be channeled through your job or business. Don't fall into the easy trap of running your mouth with negativity when you really should be focusing your mind on creativity. Just because a bunch of other people are doing it doesn't make it right or profitable. You will separate yourself from the crowd when you refuse to complain about situations and instead focused on producing win-win resolutions. "If you have time to whine and complain about something then you have the time to do something about it." ~ Anthony J. D'Angelo With all the problems in the world today, you are never without opportunities to solve problems that can earn you a comfortable income. So if you're struggling financially, look for a problem to solve and ask God for the wisdom to do the job done well and profitably (James 1:5). Leave your comments below... ********************"Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." Romans 12:2 Lately I've been thinking a lot about the power of our ideas. Everything that we experience everyday was once an idea. And everything that we will experience in the future will be the result of yours or someone else's idea. God designed you with the most creative force on the planet - your mind. How you use it will determine how purposeful and prosperous your life will be. This reminds me of a guest blog I wrote a few years ago. Enjoy... ********************
You are what you eat. This is not just a principle of your physical health. It's also a principle of your mental health. You simply can't eat a mental junk food diet and stay mentally healthy. If you consistently feed your mind with media or conversations that are full of negative and destructive words, actions, and images, then you will spend a lot of your time dealing with negativity in your mind. RELATED: The Entrepreneurial Mind of Christ: Applying Kingdom Strategies that Build Business Success Conversely, if you spend more of your time filling your mind with positive or constructive words, actions, and images, it will be much easier for you to engage positive thoughts to counterattack the negative thoughts when they come. The result is that over time, your actions will prove to be more constructive rather than destructive for yourself and others. Know thyself, feed thyself. Many people say their media intake doesn't affect their behavior, yet over time their actions become a representation of what they have been eating. Just because something is popular doesn't mean it's good for you. Similar to a world-class athlete who disciplines her body to beat her competition, you must condition your mind to beat your spiritual and natural competition. You will not be able eat what everyone else is eating and stay ahead of them at the same time. If you want to move beyond your competition, you have to do things differently. To get the kink out of your think, change your intake. Be very selective with what you watch, what you listen to, who you listen to, and what you read. Eat only those things that will build and edify your character and propel your life in a positive direction. You will gain the courage you need to make positively powerful decisions that benefit you and those connected to you. What do you think? Leave your comments below... ********************"For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay." Habakkuk 2:3 I'm sure you've probably heard the phrase "fake it 'til you make it." Most people take this statement to say that you have to pretend to be successful before you actually become successful. Unfortunately, many people use this as an excuse to make poor financial decisions to look the part of a lifestyle they have not yet achieved, which actually creates more challenges for them to get to where they want to be. While I believe the scripture that tells us, "speak those things that are not as though they were," God doesn't want you to fake success to impress people that don't really care about you anyway. Your faith is the key to your ultimate success - not pretending to have progressed further than you really have. Even if it's baby steps, you must trust that every move made in faith will bring beneficial results. Although it may seem like your efforts may initially seem menial, they are building a powerful momentum. Related: Dream B.I.G. in 3D: How to Pursue a Bold, Innovative, God-Inspired Life! The beautiful thing about faith is that as you move forward in what God called you to do, He equips and empowers you to accomplish more. Greater dimensions of grace are released to you when you take great steps of faith. His grace supplies you with the power to overcome every obstacle that is placed in front of you. His grace also sustains you with the endurance to persevere successfully. Your faith is one of the most valuable possessions that you have. It's what will build a bridge from dream to reality, from concept to completion. So if you're in danger of losing your confidence remember these powerful words from Hebrews 10:35-39... "So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For, “In just a little while, he who is coming will come and will not delay.”And, So keep moving forward and faith it until you make it! What are your thoughts? Leave your comments below... ********************"All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty." Proverbs 14:23 I hear many people talk about being in the "grind" of life or they are "grinding" doing the work of building their business or career. Unfortunately most people talk more than they actually work, because you shouldn't be "grinding" year after year with minimal results to show for it. The truth is if you're grinding but not growing then you're just wasting your time. Profitable grinding should result in character development not just the investment of time, sweat, and tears. Grinding should be making you stronger. You should be learning from your mistakes, not continually repeating past failures. Your knowledge and expertise should be expanding. Your wisdom should be increasing. Your efforts should become more efficient over time. Your plans should be more sound. You should be getting more disciplined. Grinding should be enhancing your value. Related: Passion @ Work Don't use "grinding" as an excuse for complacency. Make sure you're getting better at what you do versus simply becoming an expert in unchanged mediocrity. ******************** |
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