Your work is meant to be an extension of the purpose for which God created you. If you haven't yet discovered how to make that connection between your purpose and work or you want to grow further in the process, I have some dynamic ebooks, audio and video resources perfect for you. These inspirational and innovative resources will help you gain the confidence and direction you need to be fulfilled in your work you were designed for.
Also, your purchases help support the work Kinsman Community does in the community to teach at-risk youth how to start businesses as a means of personal and professional empowerment. Just click here to go to our online store and use discount code DREAM30 to make your purchase and support this much needed cause. Thanks in advance for your support! Only a "dry as dust" religion prompts a minister to extol the glories of Heaven while ignoring the social conditions that cause men an Earthly hell.
In his latter years Dr. King spent a lot of time talking about the major imbalances of finances and economics in the U.S. His words are just as accurate and relevant today as when he first began to talk about these issues.
Learn more about how Kinsman Community is applying his messages by training at-risk youth to start their own businesses at Many people spend lots of time looking to do something in life that they are passionate about and they qualify the value of spending their time on it by how much it will enhance their life. However, I believe the true meaning of the concepts of passion and purpose challenge us to dig deeper and ask ourselves the question, "Is my dream worth dying for?"
Of course during this time of year we are again celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. And while most of the conversations often focus on his dream, what was generally overlooked was what his dream cost him. His dream cost him his life. When most people think about their dream, their are usually focused on how much better they want their life to be. And from what I have observed, most people aren't thinking about giving up the life they have to see their dream fulfilled. They pursue things that cause them to be more attached to this world than less attached. Dr. King was very much aware of what the continual pursuit of his dream would cost him. Yet he still soldiered on in pursuit of something that was more important than his comfort. He still pressed forward to do something that others said was a lost cause or not worth the trouble. He was willing to speak out against materialism, poverty, and militarism when it was very unpopular to do so. And many historians would suggest this is what brought him into the crosshairs of a Remington 760 Gamemaster, not his push for civil rights. So, what about you? Are you concerned more about living well than leaving a legacy? How much are you willing to sacrifice to see your dream come to pass? Dr. King's dream was worth dying for. Is yours? Billions and billions of dollars in contracts are awarded every year to small and minority owned businesses by large corporations. Drawing from my nearly 20 years of experience in key roles, including corporate purchasing agent, supply chain consultant, supplier diversity professional, and small business coach, I will teach you how you can successfully compete for your share of this multi-billion dollar pie.
Here are the webinar details:
Click here to register and you will receive all the log in information by email. FREE E-Book! Every webinar attendee will receive a free copy of my new e-book, Relationships to Revenues, which provides dozens of tips to help small businesses win big contracts with large corporations. You will also get some additional gifts focused on helping you grow your business. So make sure you register for your spot today to get this exclusive information that you will find few other places. "If you want to go fast, go ALONE. What I call the "Lone Ranger" syndrome is very prevalent among many entrepreneurs. It's somewhat understandable, because often times they have been burned by flaky people or those with alterior motives. And to be honest sometimes it's easier to get things done that you can do yourself. However, the long-term implications are that if you never build strategic relationships and partnerships, your business will struggle to build capacity that will allow you to serve more customers, thereby limiting your growth. We all need people to help our businesses grow to their full potential. We just have to make sure we are recruiting and connecting with the right kind of people that will help to propel our vision forward. In my previous post, You're Fired! 3 Types of People You Need to Keep Off Your Dream Team, I discussed who you need to keep away from your Dream Team. In this video I discuss the three types of people you need to keep close to your team. So where you ask are the coaching videos for these critical topics? To view them all you have to do is download my free mobile app and go to the Coaching Videos section. You will also be able to watch all the other exclusive coaching videos that are inside the app.
"You're fired!" has long been an unwelcome phrase in the workplace way before our current President-elect Donald Trump made it even more infamous on his previous TV show, The Apprentice. And I'm sure for anyone who has ever had that directed at them, it was not a pleasant experience. Nevertheless, this is a statement or a concept that you need to be able to practice as a relates to the vision, dream, or business that God has given you. The truth is there are some people that have gotten closer to your vision than they should be. Sometimes you must make some hard decisions when you determine that some people should not continue the journey with you to your destiny. Too much is at stake for you to be messing around with the wrong people or for the wrong people to be messing around with you! I created a coaching video that describes three types of people that you need to fire from your Dream Team. In order to watch the video all you have to do is download my free mobile app and go to the Coaching Videos section. You also be able to watch all the other coaching videos that are inside the app. ![]() After you download the app and open it you'll see that we have some great free resources and a 50% OFF deal that you don't want to miss out on! So download the app, watch this video, and I look forward to your feedback. Enjoy! "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." ~ 2 Corinthians 5:17 Are you you ready to have the best year of your life?!?! And it really doesn't matter how great or not so great your year was just in 2016. You should always be looking to be better, grow more, learn more, make a more significant impact in the world, etc. Don't ever rest on what you have previously accomplished. Anyone who has a relationship with Jesus should always be looking for opportunities to become a better version of yourself.
So just as you're identifying ways to be a better you this year, entrepreneurs should also consider ways you can hit the reset button in your business in order to have your best year yet... 1) RENEW Your Mind. Stress and frustrations can clog up your creativity and clarity. You need to take some time to declutter your mind so that you can see clearly what you need to do in your business as you move forward. The more clarity you have, the more confident and accurate decision-maker you will be. Spending time with God in His word will allow to let go of thoughts and don't belong and embrace the ones that need to stay. 2) REFOCUS Your Goals. If you haven't already done so, you must first clarify specific, concrete goals. Next, define the difference between a real opportunity and a distraction. Often times we get delayed from reaching our goals because we don't have a way to differentiate between the two. If the "opportunity" isn't pushing you towards your goal, most likely what you're dealing with is a distraction. Leave those alone - no matter how good it might look - so you can keep moving forward in doing the things that will give you legitimate momentum. 3) REPOSITION Your Relationships. In 2016 people showed you who they really are to you if you were paying attention. Either they were for you or against you. You need to keep strategic people around you as vision partners, advisors, supporters, etc. And for those that are not, you must create some distance between them and your vision. You may not (or you might) have to cut them off completely, but you don't want to allow them any closer to your business and ideas than is absolutely necessary. 4) REFRESH Your Brand. If your business did not accomplish what you expected or desired it to accomplish last year it could be because you lack a branding strategy, don't have a clear message, you're not connecting with the right audience, you're not relevant to the market you are pursuing, or all of the above. Sometimes the truth is a bitter pill to swallow. If you're not good at branding, marketing, sales, or advertising, please get some help and don't try to go at it alone. There are enough legitimate branding experts out there that you can leverage their gifting while allowing you to function in your gifting with excellence. Just be diligent in finding the right ones with which to partner. So don't be afraid to hit the reset button and start something over, so you can move forward the right way. Hitting the reset button means admitting that you may have made a bad decision or a mistake as a result of thinking you were doing something right. Avoid repeating the mistakes of last year. But you also can't rest on last year's success. If you're willing to become a "brand new creation" you are guaranteed to have a year that exceeds your expectations! Have a blessed 2017! |
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