Most entrepreneurs want to build a big business, but they are often focused on temporal measures of success that won't stand the tests of time. However, a “B.I.G.” (Bold, Innovative, God-Inspired) business is one that focuses on building significance, i.e. the ultimate legacy that you want to create based on how you and your business impacts people and communities. Significance happens by helping others achieve success. If you focus your efforts on building a significant business, you will definitely reap success along the way. Here are 13 B.I.G. ideas to propel you to have a significant championship year personally and professionally in 2013:
What are some of your B.I.G. ideas for 2013? Leave your comments below... ********************************* Start your new year off right with Inc. My Dream! Business Planning System. Click below to learn more...
Global Regime ChangeThis week we celebrate a hostile takeover. Now most people don't typically associate the birth of Jesus with a term usually referencing corporate business wheeling and dealing. However, the arrival of Jesus in Bethlehem was very much a divinely orchestrated power play to return control of the earth to its rightful shareholders. Don't get it twisted. Although he showed up as sweet baby Jesus, he arrived in the earthly boardroom with an agenda of eternal proportions. He came to implement a regime change. He came to restore a Kingdom that was lost in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve sinned. He came to snatch back dominion from our common enemy and return it to those whom God had intended to have it in the first place. And although he may not have come with a sword-wielding, horse-riding army (that will be the next time), nevertheless he came with unquestionable power and authority. The Government Shall Rest Upon His Shoulders"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. Not only did Jesus come to reestablish his Kingdom on earth, he came to re-delegate the responsibility of running that Kingdom to us. As executors of his earthly estate, his expectation is that we will expand his Kingdom exponentially before he returns for his final eternal rule. Of course this Kingdom expansion is not about gaining more land, it's about growing his family through spiritually transformed lives. Fortunately for us Jesus has already done the heavy lifting. His marvelous victory on the cross conquered ALL of our enemies and resulted in us becoming royal heirs of an infinite, immeasurable inheritance. He made us kings and priests unto God. He made us governmental ambassadors with divine rights. He gave us everything we need for life in godliness. He gave us every spiritual blessing. He gave us powerful weapons to claim our victory. And he gave us a comforter and counselor in the Holy Spirit to direct our decisions and empower us to manifest his promises. Time for a Personal Regime ChangeAs wise investors, if you want to profit from this heaven-directed hostile takeover all you have to do is receive what Jesus has already done. You don't have to be in the 1%. You don't have to be rich or have the inside scoop on the IPO. You don't have to know the right people or work for the right company. All you have to do is receive the gift that's been freely given to you. And he promised that the profits you receive from that transaction will be exceedingly and abundantly far beyond all that you can ask think or imagine.
If Jesus is not the CEO of your life it's time for a personal regime change. You will know if he's your real CEO based on how you treat other people, the content of your thoughts, how you spend your time, how you apply your talents, and how you spend your money. If you don't acknowledge and obey him in all of your ways he's not the CEO. And although he was hostile in taking control of the earth back from the enemy, he won't be hostile in taking control of your life. He will only do that with your permission. The greatest profit you can receive in your life is to allow Jesus to become your personal CEO. And now is the perfect time for a change. Successful Entrepreneurs Function Like Farmers"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven." ~ Ecclesiastes 3:1 ![]() The holiday shopping season is in full swing. Businesses, are pulling out all the stops to woo customers into buying gifts for themselves, their friends and loved ones. Unfortunately, many of them attempt to apply uncomfortable pressure tactics to get customers to indulge in impulse purchases. Salespeople feel the pressure of getting sales and they transfer that pressure to their potential customers. It is unfortunate because they don't realize that they could have tons of customers year round - not just during the holidays - if they operated more like farmers and less like desperate potion pushers. Due to the fact that more than 80% of Americans live in urban areas, sometimes it’s difficult for us to relate to the habits and lifestyles of those who live in agricultural areas of our nation and world. Nevertheless, one can extract key lessons from agricultural best practices that can be used as transformational business and life principles. In order to get the greatest yield from the land, farmers understand they must plan for several factors, including available resources and constraints, geography and climate of the farm, and their own philosophy and culture among other things. Farmers also understand that different strategies are used at different times of the year to reap the best harvest based upon the types of crops they are producing. Likewise, entrepreneurs must plan and adjust their actions to harvest different business opportunities, because like crops they also come and go in cycles or seasons. Entrepreneurs must become keenly aware of the season/cycle in which their opportunities exist, so they can increase the size, frequency and quality of their harvest. Let’s dig a little deeper as we consider different types of “opportunity seasons” and how you can plan for them in your business.
Although the country may be still struggling to come out of the recession your business doesn’t have to be. You can still grow in this environment. You just have to be more strategic, discerning, values-driven, and Holy Spirit-led than ever before. Also, it wouldn’t hurt to think like a farmer. What are your thoughts about the pressure tactics salespeople use? Please leave your comments below... "For a dream comes through a multitude of business..." ~ Ecclesiastes 5:3 Are you frustrated with of your lack of financial fruitfulness? Are you tired of your job that doesn't value your purpose and talents? Are you ready to be break the mental and financial shackles off your life so you can get to your financial promise land? One big reason for this is because you have not yet learned how to turn your ideas into income. Inc. My Dream! is the career transition program you need to maximize your financial potential and change your lifestyle. This self-study business planning system provides Biblical insights, practical instructions, and inspirational energy to help you get your business dream out of your head and into business. Your business system planning kit includes:
The dynamic audio and written materials jam packed in this kit will provide at least these three major benefits:
The online release date for this kit is next Monday, December 17, so for only one week we are offering this incredible collection of invaluable resources at a pre-release 50% discount! This will be a great Christmas gift for yourself or someone you know who needs a spiritual and professional boost. This thought-provoking video is presented as part of Redeemer Presbyterian Church's Gospel & Culture Lecture series. The speaker is Jeff Van Duzer, Dean of the School of Business and Economics at Seattle Pacific University and author of Why Business Matters to God. He states: "Too often Christian businesspeople think that their work’s sole purpose is to generate money that they can donate to more “spiritual” causes. But what about business itself? Does God care about that? The Bible teaches that before the fall—in God’s perfect creation—humans were called to work. Since God created people to work, God desires businesses to provide opportunities for individuals to express their God-given identity in meaningful and creative work. In this paradigm, profit ceases to be an end in itself. Instead, profit becomes the means by which a business produces goods and services which enables a community's flourishing." Enjoy this powerful teaching!
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![]() Dream B.I.G. in 3D will take you on an internal treasure hunt to connect your career path to your purpose. Click here to learn more...
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