We've got a lot of work to do to prepare high school students for their next stage in life. According to a recent survey sponsored by Achieve, a national not-for-profit focused on education reform, and Hart Research Associates, neither university professors nor prospective employers find American high school graduates to be well prepared. Here is an excerpt from their report:
One area I think would help with this problem is align student education with vocational training according to their natural bent, personality, or talents. Many of our students are not interested or engaged in learning because they don't see a relevant connection to their lives. We have a responsibility to our youth to create learning environments that inspire and empower them based on how God uniquely designed them in order for them to get the most out of their lives. This is not an impossible situation, but it is critical. We must be more proactive in equipping students to get to their next level, whether we have to do it inside the classroom or outside of it. Read the full article at CampusTechnology.com: http://campustechnology.com/articles/2015/07/27/survey-most-profs-find-hs-grads-unready-for-college-or-work.aspx What are your thoughts?
The summer is over and most of the kids around the country are back in school now. Of course many of them who were able to get summer jobs used their money on new clothes, school supplies, and other things teenagers typically like to buy. Unfortunately, though, for many teenagers who are back in school, what used to be a common activity over the summer to earn income is becoming less common.
According to this article in Bloomberg Business, "at 41.3 percent, the July labor force participation rate of teens was the lowest for the month in the post-World War II period." The article goes on to say that what they believe are the three primary factors for this precipitous drop:
That also means we must be proactive in creating opportunities, such as entrepreneurship training, to equip our youth to learn these necessary skills. Why do you think teen employment is so low? What if anything can the church do about it? Read the entire article: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-08-07/why-american-teens-aren-t-working-summer-jobs-anymore |
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