![]() We had an awesome time on this past Sunday on the Dream Catalyst Weekly Prayer Call. For many people fear is what keeps them from pursuing and fulfilling God's dream for their lives. All of us must learn how to effectively deal with fear in order to continue to progress in the things He assigned us to do. During the call this week I shared 4 keys to conquering fear that will position you to move forward and render fear powerless in your life. Just click the link below to listen and enjoy! I look forward to your comments below... "When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not wholly reap the corners of your field, nor shall you gather the gleanings of your harvest. And you shall not glean your vineyard, nor shall you gather every grape of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the poor and the stranger: I am the Lord your God" ~ Leviticus 19:9-10 In a recent devotional Os Hillman, founder of Marketplace Leaders, wrote about the responsibility of helping take care of the poor. From a Biblical perspective those in business are supposed to play a pivotal role in this process, even more than the government or churches. He writes: So how does God want us to care for the poor? Is it through government welfare programs, food stamps, or soup kitchens? God gives us his answer in the Old Testament story of Boaz, Ruth and Naomi. It was customary for farmers to not glean their entire fields in order to leave some of the crop for the poor to glean. This allowed the poor to come at the end of the day and work to receive their provision. This is how the widow Naomi was able to care for herself. Boaz allowed the poor in his community to come to his field at the end of the day to get the leftovers of the harvest. Finally Hillman asks, "What are the gleanings in your business? Consider how you might serve the poor." Have you ever thought about how your business can serve the poor? I would love to hear your thoughts below... Don't believe the lie that your life doesn't matter or that God has no use for you. His dream for your life is connected to your purpose and people. Your dream matters more than you know! Join me at Prayer Assembly COGIC in Phoenix, AZ on Sunday, December 28th as I share this powerful message. RELATED ARTICLE: #BlackLivesMatter: Why Your Dream Matters "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in him would not perish, but have everlasting life." ~ John 3:16 ![]() As we celebrate the birth of Christ in this season (and what should be the reason to celebrate all seasons), you must realize that your dream was not meant just for you. There are people who are closely connected to the obedience and fulfillment of your dream. God wants to bless the world through your dream. The #1 motivating factor in all of this is the fact that God gave Jesus to the world because of love. Likewise, God is demonstrating love to the world through the dream that He gave to you to change lives and transform communities. Please enjoy the playback from this week's Dream Catalyst Prayer Call. Also, in keeping with the Christmas spirit, during the prayer God revealed a great picture in how we should related to His Word as a security blanket as represented by Linus in A Charlie Brown Christmas. Enjoy the recording and have a blessed Christmas! Leave your comments below... Terence Lester, founder of Love Beyond Walls, has made a choice that most people probably wouldn't make even if they were getting paid. He has decided to live on top of a bus for 30 days to raise awareness and money for a unique idea to restore dignity to homeless people. His goal is to raise funds to retrofit a 30 passenger bus and turn it into a mobile barbershop, closet, and shower to serve homeless individuals in the city of Atlanta, and under resourced communities. So he started camping out on December 14 and he won't be coming down until January 14. 11 Alive News in Atlanta just did a story on him and this great initiative... If you're interesting in supporting Terence and this very meaningful project please visit his crowdfunding page: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/mobile-makeovers Your dream is a gift from God to the earth. If you are not living out your dream then people will continue to suffer in the areas where you have been called to bring redemption and reconciliation. Don't be found missing where God has called you to make an impact! Leave your comments below... Here's a quick survey to determine how truly ready you are for 2015 to be the greatest year ever in your business:
If you answered "Yes!" to any of these questions then you need to join me for a special tele-seminar, Dream Mapping for Entrepreneurs, tonight at 8 PM EST. Call-in: (712) 432-0850 Access code: 1030781# You have been in the wilderness of your dreams for too long. It's time for you to take over your promise land! Please leave your comments below... ![]() During this week's prayer call devotional I shared how God, like he did with Joseph, will take you through a process of maturation where you go from dreaming to interpreting dreams to managing dreams. The place where God has called you to manage dreams - industry, region, community, etc. - is the place of your designated dominion. This means your God-driven dream is the platform for your influence and authority in the earth. Enjoy the audio recording below and I look forward to you being on the Dream Catalyst Prayer Call call this Sunday! Please leave your comments below... A few years ago, the city of Chicago started a summer jobs program for teenagers attending high schools in some of the city's high-crime, low-income neighborhoods. The program was meant to connect students to work, but officials also hoped that it might reduce crime-related problems that arise when there's no work to be found. The program produced some unexpected positive results, including a major reduction in crime, even long after the summer program had concluded. Researcher Sara Heller, of the University of Chicago Crime Lab, conducted the research and one of her observations was: "A lot of things could be going on here. Teenagers who might have committed crime to get money would no longer need to when they have a job. If their added income allowed parents to work less, they may also have gotten more adult supervision. It's also possible that students who were busy working simply didn't have idle time over the summer to commit crime — but that theory doesn't explain the long-term declines in violent arrests that occurred well after the summer program was over." Whatever the combination of reasons that crime decreased among this population of teens, it makes sense that kids need jobs, which also serve as a great deterrent to at-risk behavior. When the conversation about solutions in our communities shifts to justice, poverty and jobs must be at the center of that conversation. Read the whole story here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2014/12/08/one-cheap-way-to-curb-crime-give-teens-a-summer-job/ Related article: The Death of Business and Jobs in Ferguson Please leave your comments below... ![]() Your dreams are significant to the plans that God has for the people in the world. The dream He gave you is an answer to somebody's prayer. People are longing to see the light of God's love shine through your talent, gifting, ideas, passion, diligence, and faithfulness. When you stay on the sidelines with your dream somebody loses. In this prayer call I passionately discussed how the conditions of our communities are directly correlated to Christians not pursuing the dreams or fulfilling the callings that God established for their lives. Our communities need your God-given dreams to manifest. Can God send you or shall He look for another? Enjoy the recording and I look forward to your feedback... Please join us for the next call this Sunday night at 9:30 PM EST. Also, please join the Dream Catalyst Prayer Call Facebook Group (click here), and feel free to share you prayer request there or with me directly. Please type your comments below... |
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