This sounds like a ludicrous statement coming from a business coach. However, this makes perfect sense if you are looking for more effective ways to accomplish your long-term plans. According to behavior science expert, James Clear, it all comes down to the difference between goals and systems. "A dream comes through a multitude of business." ~ Ecclesiastes 5:3 How are you going to accomplish new and great things in 2014 for your business? New year's goals and resolutions are great, but how are you going to ensure that you execute those goals without an effective system? INC. MY DREAM is the business planning system that you need to plan and execute your God-given business idea in 2014. Watch the video to learn more... "Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin…" ~ Zechariah 4:10 "Better is the end of a thing than its beginning, and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit." ~ Ecclesiastes 7:8 A lowly feeding trough in a rinky-dink motel in a small dusty town and a killer king looking for you. Doesn't sound like the place or environment where a world-changer would be birthed. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the perfect example for you to model that it doesn't matter how you started when compared to how you end. He had the deck stacked against him in just about every way when he was born - socially, economically, and politically. Yet God had already prepared for him to prosper long before he arrived on the planet, so it didn't matter where Jesus was born or the circumstances into which he was born. Slow sales. Low number of web hits. Revenue goals far below your expectations. Seemingly falling further and further behind your competitors. Doesn't sound like the situation from which a successful, prosperous Kingdom-building entrepreneur would be birthed. Nevertheless, according to Psalm 139:13-18, God already planned for you to prosper just like He planned for Jesus to prosper. So it doesn't matter what your life situations look like now. It also doesn't matter what you have or haven't accomplished yet in your business or what went right or wrong in 2013. Just embrace that you are inside of God's perfect plan. What matters most is your perspective, as in looking from where you are instead of at where you are. You must refocus your faith on where God is taking you, instead of all the challenges that are facing you. Remember the greatest story ever told didn't end in a manger, it only began there. Enjoy your Christmas! Leave your comments below... In times past God designed, manufactured, packaged, and shipped blessings to you, but instead of receiving them you "returned to sender" through your unbelief. The opportunities being presented to you were so grand that you thought they couldn't have possibly been for you and somehow were sent to the wrong address (person). It blew your mind that God would give you something like that because you didn't think you were worthy, ready, wealthy, or fill-in-the-blank enough to receive what He was giving. Well thank God that He redeems time and minds, because you have some mind-boggling blessings sitting on the loading dock of heaven - with angelic delivery agents on standby - waiting to be shipped out to you again. God is just waiting for you to embrace your identity as His beloved so that when they arrive this time you won't think you were the wrong address, you'll just receive and enjoy them. Enjoy your blessed Christmas! In this season of giving it's a great feeling to give gifts to others. It's event better to give gifts that have a continual, long-lasting benefit. Well this is exactly what you get when you purchase products from the KBU Online Store for yourself and fellow entrepreneurs. And we want to make it even more beneficial for you to invest in your own success and the success of others. Until the end of the year you can get a super 30% discount off all the products in the KBU Online Store! There's some great downloadable resources that will help you and your colleagues grow your businesses exponentially. Proceeds will help us continue our work at Metro Merge Small Business Incubator to fight poverty by training entrepreneurs and growing small businesses. Just go to and when you check out don't forget to use Promo Code: CHRISTMAS Enjoy these audio samples of what you'll find in the KBU Online Store... Big businesses often gets a bad rap because of practices that lead many people to believe they are only motivated by greed, selfishness, and an unyielding pursuit of profits by any means necessary. Well of course every business doesn't operate like this - especially those built on Kingdom principles - so it's really cool when you hear a story about a company who does something unique, creative and impactful for its customers. Enjoy this awesome video about what WestJet did during a recent Christmas season... What are you thoughts on this video and how your company could go out of its way to create a special experience for customers? Leave your comments below... Now here's an interesting story posted on Os Hillman's blog at A Christian entrepreneur purchased a TV station and decided to pursue a radical idea to increase revenues and reach people in the marketplace... After losing hundreds of thousands of dollars every month in attempting to attract a “Christian audience” she realized that the station could not survive without a more mainstream programming lineup. An opportunity arose to get the Rush Limbaugh program from a competitor, but only if she also took “The Jerry Springer Show.” Linda struggled with what to do with this program, knowing the religious community would criticize this decision. Then, the Lord gave her an idea. Read the entire article at here: Do you think this is going too far to reach people? Leave your comments below... In the world of Christian entrepreneurship it often seems like there is a huge supply of ideas but a lack of wisdom, i.e. implementation with fruitfulness. I say this on the basis of I see a lot of trial and error and not a lot of surety of implementing what we hear from God. However the word of God tells us in James 1 that He gives wisdom liberally to those who ask for it. Jesus was always in the right place at the right time doing the right things primarily because he spent so much time with God. He even said I only do what my father shows me (John 5:19). After all Jesus did say we would be greater works than he did (John 14:12) Maybe if we as Christian entrepreneurs spent more time on our faces vs on Facebook then we would receive more direct revelation from God that would be applicable to our businesses. I'm not bashing social media (I use it a lot), but what I'm saying is that if everyday we're waiting on Facebook or TV or the Internet or any other source rather than God for instruction and direction then we will continue on the path of trial and error and take longer to get to the promise land where God has already prepared for us and our businesses to succeed. Now of course God can use any source to get wisdom to us, however His primary desire is that we will connect with Him more one-to-one. Proportional accuracy is the correlation between how much time we spend with God and how accurate we are in our decision-making. This is not a measure of a specific ratio or any other type of mathematical formula but is more of a spiritual indicator that is applied through self-evaluation to understand and recognize the opportunity to get more things right and fewer things wrong. If Jesus was truly leading your business as the CEO I'm sure the very first question he would ask is am I even supposed to be in this business? Follow up questions would include am I doing what God said to do to make this business profitable and sustainable or am I following the crowd and just doing whatever everyone else has said to do to be successful? I'm sure there are plenty more he would ask but this us a good start for you to help determine if you're headed in the right direction and functioning optimally. The rest of the questions you can ask as you spend more quality time with him. Enjoy the journey! How do you think Jesus would lead your business differently than you? Leave your comments below... ![]() By now most people are familiar with Duck Dynasty and the Robertsons, who built a multi-million dollar sporting empire manufacturing duck calls in Monroe, Louisiana and according to A&E TV "have earned a seat in homes across the country with their special brand of downhome practicality, southern charm and sharp sense of humor." To me the best thing about this family is their opportunity to share Jesus with the world on a weekly basis. The video below, featuring the patriarch of the family Phil Robertson, is a powerful example of how a life can be eternally changed that initiated from a simple business transaction. This Christian entrepreneur is having a Kingdom impact on their customers and others. Many Christian entrepreneurs don't think they're qualified to preach because they don't stand in a pulpit on Sundays, but don't realize God has already given them a platform to shine from Monday through Friday in their business. If you want to have a great impact in the world, start right where you are and watch God work through you while you're at work! How do you use your business as a platform to represent Jesus? Leave your comments below... November 23, 2012 is a day that changed Lucia McBath's life forever. Her son, Jordan Davis, and his friends had stopped at a gas station in Jacksonville, Florida, after having finished shopping on Black Friday. What occurred next is unconscionable. Police say the man parked next to them, 45-year-old Michael Dunn, got into a confrontation with them over loud music coming from their car and opened fire, hitting Jordan several times. Investigators say the teens had no weapons. Dunn claims he was threatened and is attempting to use Florida's controversial "Stand Your Ground" law as the basis of his defense. ![]() Join us Thursday night, December 5th, for a very special episode of Passion in Action TV as I have the privilege of speaking with Ms. McBath about her son and her efforts since his tragic death to get "Stand Your Ground" laws overturned in this country. Log on at at 7 PM est. As we wade through another holiday shopping season of hyper-marketing, once-in-a-lifetime-until-next-year black Friday discounts, and customer brawls, it's easy to lay the blame for this atmosphere on our "greed-driven capitalism." However, the reasons for the current environment is more complex than that generic label. In his recent article, Capitalism and the Kingdom, Bob Lupton of FCS Urban Ministries discusses the delicate balance through which we should view capitalism, especially as it relates to how Christians are to deal with the poor. Here's an excerpt... "I am convinced that the only thing that will enable the poor to emerge from poverty is a decent job. I am further convinced that the best chance of creating decent jobs lies with our free market capitalists. Does this mean that capitalism is the Divine design for bringing about Shalom? I suspect not. Nor is any economic system devised by flawed humanity. But in spite of its bent toward self-interest, even with its excesses and inequities, capitalism has an historic opportunity to create shared prosperity that can benefit every person on the globe. What capitalism needs in order to fulfill its promise is sanctified self-interest." |
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