I am always amazed by people in history who overcame seemingly insurmountable odds to do something extraordinary, especially in the light of conditions that were intentionally set against them. One of their commonalities is they usually had great vision to see beyond their circumstances into a future that was very different from their present situations. Harriet Tubman definitely fits this description. As the engineer of the Underground Railroad, she no doubt had to overcome so much of what she saw in the natural and trust the faith that was guiding her. She had to be a BIG dreamer. I love this quote of hers... Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. ~ Harriet Tubman I believe this quote is a great mantra for today's teenagers who are the next generation of world changers, entrepreneurs, inventors, pastors, politicians, leaders, etc. They absolutely need to be in environments that cultivate their creative capacity, energize their intellectual potential, and stimulate their spiritual development.
At Kinsman Community that's exactly what we're doing as we provide programs that build teens financially, socially, and spiritually. We're catalyzing their dreams and helping turn them into reality. Learn more about how we work with at-risk youth and how you can support us at www.mykinsman.org
At Kinsman Community we love the opportunity to work with at-risk teens and help them learn how to start businesses and better their lives. And they say the best form of marketing is a satisfied customer. So we wanted to share with you some of the experiences our students had at our most recent Inc My Dream Young Boss Camp. Check out what these incredible students had to say...
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Dream B.I.G. in 3D will take you on an internal treasure hunt to connect your career path to your purpose. Click here to learn more...
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