We know the cost of the fallout is not yet calculated from the aftermath of the events in Ferguson over the past few days. However, what we do know is that the first victims after the verdict was announced were small businesses in the "hot zone" that were burned to the ground. Operation Hope CEO and empowerment advocate John Hope Bryant wrote an article on LinkedIn entitled: "The Second Victim of Ferguson. The Death of Business and Jobs" that highlighted the potential long-term devastating impact of the loss of small businesses. According to Bryant, the specific small businesses that burned down and/or looted included: QuickTrip, Ferguson Market, AutoZone, wireless telephone store, beauty supply store, a public storage, and a BBQ restaurant. Bryant says: "None of these businesses had anything to do with the injustices of Ferguson and its criminal justice system, but many may never open again, or even have a desire to come back. And given that 92% of all jobs in America are private sector, this means that a community that had few jobs before the Michael Brown crisis, now will have significantly less still. This is one reason I'm a huge advocate for entrepreneurship training in urban areas as a vehicle to create opportunities and help lift people out of poverty. Prayerfully Ferguson's entrepreneur community will be able to rebuild with an increased emphasis on more people becoming small business owners. Economic empowerment must become one of the the key aspects of community rebuilding. Click here to read the full article on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/article/20141125191809-23074630-the-second-victim-of-ferguson-the-death-of-business-and-jobs Leave your comments below... It's interesting - and almost tragic - that many people still don't realize or fully embrace that God chose you for something special. Indeed, He placed you on this planet for a specific purpose. And believe it or not, it's connected to your vocation. Although you may not like your job currently, or you have not yet have found the thing that gets you excited to get out of bed Monday mornings ( or any morning), His plan for you is connected to the work that you do now and will do in the future. In Mike Wittmer's recent article at The High Calling Blog recently entitled, Designed to Work: What Do You Make Possible?, he discusses the significance of the connection between our work and God's plan of redemption for our world. He states: What task has God called you to do? It might be menial, and it might be hard. Maybe you’re having a rough shift right now. If so, God has given you a golden opportunity. Can you describe what your job makes possible? How do you enable others to make something of the world? Answer these questions, and you will find God’s purpose in your job. You will know that you are serving Jesus and obeying the first command he ever gave you (Col. 3:17; 23-24; Gen. 1:28). So whether you love your job or hate it, just remember God wants to use it to change you and the people that He connects you to through the work you do. Ask God to give you a new perspective of your work so you can jump on board with His plan.
Read the full article Designed to Work: What Do You Make Possible? at http://www.thehighcalling.org/work/designed-work-what-do-you-make-possible#.VFfUhkvC_2w Please leave your comments below... Entrepreneurship is often one of the overlooked areas in life where we have the opportunity and ability to express our divine DNA in a significant way. It not only empowers the person who exercises these creative gifts. The recipients of God-inspired, value-adding good works can receive the benefits of solutions that bring real, positive, lasting change to their lives. When this is happening on a local and global scale through entrepreneurial Christians, the world will really see our lights shine through our good works and glorify God in Heaven. This is especially relevant as it relates to helping people get out of poverty. Often times those in our society who have been disenfranchised, disregarded, and discarded don't recognize the fact that they were made in the image of God and have innate abilities to change their situation. They must be reminded of the greatness that God has placed in them and be invited into environments where that greatness has the opportunity to mature. This is our primary focus and commitment at Kinsman, Inc. We are committed to creating opportunities and environments that empower people to recognize their God-given purpose, gifts, and internal assets to become change agents in their families and communities. For many this could result in launching and growing a profitable, purpose-driven business. For others the outcome may be a higher valuation of their own self-worth, which gives them the confidence to pursue opportunities in the workplace they never before thought they could attain. The book that I recently released, Inc. My Dream: A God Inspired Process to Turn Your BIG Idea Into a Dream Business, helps to support this vision. It was written with the intent to equip people to tap into the entrepreneurial mind of Christ and activate the divine characteristics of entrepreneurship that He put in them to solve problems and change lives through business ventures. It contains Biblical insights, practical instructions, and inspirational energy to help aspiring entrepreneurs build an actionable business strategy around their idea, so they can transform it from a concept into a profitable reality. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book will go to support the $100,000 budget that we have established for our programs over the next 12 months, which include:
Click here to purchase your copy of Inc. My Dream on Amazon.com The spirit of entrepreneurism reflects the divine nature of the Father. We are going to help restore this needed attribute in families and communities. Please join us in this venture. Leave your comments below... I’m convinced that the mind of Christ is the most underutilized resource within the Body of Christ. When we engage Christ’s mind, we not only get his perspective on things, we also get access to all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge in the universe. In the video below as I explain this dynamic of tapping into His mind and activating the divine characteristics of entrepreneurship that He put in you. Enjoy... Leave your comments...
I just wanted to let you know about the special we're running until Inc. My Dream is released on August 1st. In addition to this new book, I am also offering its precursor, Dream B.I.G. in 3D: How to Pursue a Bold, Innovative, God-Inspired Life, for only $15. Yes that's two books for only $15. This powerful resource is great if you're trying to figure out how to turn your idea into a legitimate business. It's also great if you've been in business for a while but you feel stuck and need a fresh start. To learn more about Inc. My Dream please go to www.incmydream.com. A percentage of the proceeds from the sale of these books go to support entrepreneurship training and economic development programs through Kinsman, Inc. Learn more at www.mykinsman.org. I will be sharing more in the near future about this non-profit organization who focus is on financial, spiritual, and social empowerment. Until then click below to order your books Leave your comments below...
This is an excerpt from a chapter of my soon to be released, highly anticipated book, Inc. My Dream: A God Inspired Process To Turn Your BIG Into A Dream Business. Learn more about this resource for business startups and those who need a fresh start in your business at www.incmydream.com. * * * * * * * * * * * * In the Kingdom of God and in business, relationships are the most important element. Broken down to its most common denominator, the Bible is a book about the eternal relationship between God and people, and how people are supposed to relate to one another. If you break business down to its most common denominator, the key success factor still comes down to building strong relationships. God passionately loves people. Therefore, we should passionately love people. God invested His most valuable asset to redeem humanity and reconcile us back to Him. (Side note: In our society we use the words redemption and reconciliation in financial contexts, which gives you an idea of how closely related the Kingdom and business are.). Kingdom entrepreneurs get the privilege and opportunity to love people through your business. As mentioned earlier in this book, your business is an answer to somebody’s prayer. But it’s not just that. Your business is also an answer to the call to serve. Love is not often associated with doing business. However, when you serve people through your creativity, ingenuity, quality, and excellence, you are demonstrating love through your business. God sees your investment of time, talent, and resources and will honor your efforts. Business gives Christians the opportunity to use your God-given gifts strategically and purposefully to help others. First Peter 4:9-11 reads, “God has given gifts to each of you from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Manage them well so that God's generosity can flow through you… Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then God will be given glory in everything through Jesus Christ…” When Kingdom businesspeople allow God’s generosity to flow through you as you exercise your gifts in the marketplace, you are able to have a positive impact on every life that you have the opportunity to touch. Even more, you become fulfilled in your purpose here on the earth when you enhance another’s life with your endowed uniqueness. In this day and time so many businesses seem to no longer value excellent customer service. The reality is they don’t understand the blessings promised by God when we love the people He created. When you serve people with a great deal of care and concern, you greatly increase the potential of them moving from just being customers to becoming raving fans. Don’t fall into this society’s trap of thinking that love has no place in your business. In fact it is absolutely essential to the success of your business. When you love people God’s way, your reward will be earthly and eternal. Loving your customers is not random or haphazard. It is very strategic. It is planned and executed through branding, marketing, and sales. ********** Coming in August Kingdom Business University will be offering a new marketing and sales course entitled, Love Thy Customers: Break Out Marketing Strategies to Accelerate Your Sales Growth. This course will teach you how to:
Leave your comments below... Reserve your copy of Inc. My Dream: A God Inspired Process to Turn Your BIG Idea a Dream Business today at www.incmydream.com!
RELATED: Inc. My Dream 201 - Who Will This Book Help? Leave your comments below... Reserve your copy of Inc. My Dream: A God Inspired Process to Turn Your BIG Idea a Dream Business today at www.incmydream.com!
RELATED: Inc. My Dream 101 - Where Did This Idea Come From? Leave your comments below... Reserve your copy of Inc. My Dream: A God Inspired Process to Turn Your BIG Idea Into a Dream Business today at www.incmydream.com!
Leave your comments below... "A dream comes through a multitude of business…" Ecclesiastes 5:3 The source of everything that's in existence was once an idea. Joel 2 tells us that God gets His ideas into the earth through dreams and visions. One purpose of this process is to provide us with the tangible activities that we are to engage in order to manifest His Kingdom. And for many people those ideas can be turned into Kingdom businesses that help fulfill your purpose and fund God's work.
So why don't we see more Christians having major success in business? The challenge for a large percentage of them is they are unaware of an effective process or strategy to transform a God-idea into an enterprise. Too many give excuses as to why the idea won't work, allowing it to lay dormant and it never produces fruit in their lives. For others, failed attempts lead to frustration and feelings that the idea maybe "wasn't meant to be." It seems like only a precious few are able to transform their ideas into profitable ventures. The truth is if God is releasing ideas into the world through dreams and visions, He intends His ideas to yield results that benefit you and others. God doesn't do "trial and error." He always produces a positive return on His investments (Isaiah 55). The question is will you be the one that produces the harvest or shall God look for another? That's why I'm so excited to announce that my highly anticipated forthcoming book, Inc. My Dream: A God Inspired Process to Turn Your BIG Idea Into A Dream Business, will walk you through the process of getting an idea from God and building a business strategy around it so it can become profitable and sustainable. James 1 tells us that we shouldn't be hearers of the Word without doing it. Likewise, we shouldn't be dreamers with big ideas who never follow through on implementing the ideas that God gives us. He is providing us an opportunity to be stewards of His ideas in the earth. If you're ready to take up that challenge, I'm ready to help you. Just go to www.incmydream.com to learn more about this unique and dynamic resource that will help you make the successful transition from dreaming about business to doing it! Leave your comments below... |
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