Our topic for this episode is “God Ideas & Witty Inventions.” In honor of Black History Month, our Bible study included how God used the ingenious Dr. George Washington Carver to change the agricultural economy of Georgia and the Southeastern United States. We discuss how his story is reminiscent of another scientific miracle that occurred in the Bible. Enjoy and share!
You can watch it here or listen to the audio of The Disruptors Podcast in my mobile app. I also encourage you to join us for our next live broadcast next Monday at 8:30 PM est.
RELATED ARTICLE: George Washington Carver - Divinely Inspired Entrepreneurial Thinker
When starting or running a business, you must realize that pressure is inevitable. So whether the pressure is financial, relational, social, political, or any other, it usually causes one of two reactions. It can cause you to either wilt under it or it can push you forward to your next level. Fortunately, you can choose how you will respond to it.
The state of entrepreneurship is at a very exciting stage in history in terms of having significant impact around the world. More people than ever are pursuing social enterprises or business as mission ventures as a way to fulfill their desire to transform communities, change lives, and leave a positive multi-generational legacy, among many other admirable reasons.
The problem, though, is when people of great compassion lack some non-negotiable essentials to run a profitable business that has a major social impact. Compassion is necessary to run a mission driven business, but it can't make up for lack of a business plan, ineffective business practices, or flawed execution. So let's take a look at six issues that prevent mission driven businesses from having a major social impact in local communities:
Did you identify any of these areas where you can make some improvements? If yes, I would love to assist you where you need some help. Check out my online business course, 7 Week Startup, which will help you launch a new mission driven business or restart your current one in 60 days or less. We will cover all the issues identified above to ensure you are equipped to run a profitable business and deeply impact the community God called you to reach.
Don't let any of these issues slow you down or stop you from fulfilling your dreams and reaching your destiny. I'll see you in class! "You're fired!" has long been an unwelcome phrase in the workplace way before our current President-elect Donald Trump made it even more infamous on his previous TV show, The Apprentice. And I'm sure for anyone who has ever had that directed at them, it was not a pleasant experience. Nevertheless, this is a statement or a concept that you need to be able to practice as a relates to the vision, dream, or business that God has given you. The truth is there are some people that have gotten closer to your vision than they should be. Sometimes you must make some hard decisions when you determine that some people should not continue the journey with you to your destiny. Too much is at stake for you to be messing around with the wrong people or for the wrong people to be messing around with you! I created a coaching video that describes three types of people that you need to fire from your Dream Team. In order to watch the video all you have to do is download my free mobile app and go to the Coaching Videos section. You also be able to watch all the other coaching videos that are inside the app. After you download the app and open it you'll see that we have some great free resources and a 50% OFF deal that you don't want to miss out on! So download the app, watch this video, and I look forward to your feedback. Enjoy!
Listen to these inspiring words from Steve Harvey as he encourages his guest how important it is to take a leap of faith into her dream business.
For those of you who are contemplating whether to make the jump into entrepreneurship, I want to encourage you that this leap of faith shouldn't be taken lightly or without preparation. I have a free e-course that can help you decide when and how you should make the jump from employee to entrepreneur. Just click the link below to find out more...
Over my 15 years of coaching small business, I have observed certain consistent themes. One of the biggest challenges small businesses face is the issue of capacity. It's hard to grow when you don't have the financial or human resources. One of the keys to growth is developing systems that will allow you to build capacity that will position you for profitable growth and sustainability.
That's why I'm excited to share some best practices that will help your business grow. Please join me for a FREE webinar Monday, July 25th at 7 PM where I will share with you:
See you there! Any career coach will tell you that networking is not just about who you know, but it's just as important about who knows you. A soon-to-be published study by Adina Sterling, an assistant professor at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business, and Jennifer Merluzzi, of Tulane, analyzed hiring and employment data of a large, private company over the course of 11 years. Their findings reveal that referrals were responsible for more promotions among African-American employees. According to their research: Knowing somebody in a company prior to joining — someone coming through, for instance, a referral — helps people develop more robust networks inside firms... Those hired through a referral were more likely to stick with the employer longer. Likewise, those with friends in a company tended to do less shopping around for a better offer because it could reflect badly on the friend already working there. The more things change, the more things stay the same. It remains true that the further you plan to go in your career, the more you will need referrals and recommendations from influential leaders. Keep those networking skills sharp!
Click here to read the full article at fastcompany.com. How have referrals helped you progress in your career? Please leave your comments below... It's "that" time again. What is "that" time you ask? At the beginning of the year it is very common to see many coaches and trainers offering vision boarding workshops and seminars as a way to help people visualize their dreams and goals for the year. Vision boarding can be a very powerful tool if utilized as part of an overall process of transformation, but it definitely is not as a silver bullet for success. Just because you create a vision board doesn't mean you will accomplish that vision - even if you look at it every day all day. Your vision boarding exercise will be a frustrating waste of time for the following three reasons:
I'm definitely a proponent of vision boards, but I'm not of a fan of getting people hyped up and started on something and then not equipping them with the tools they need to finish the process. If you don't have a God-directed plan, structured process, and committed team of people your implementation will be lacking and your vision will fail to come to pass. If you're interested in taking the next step from vision boarding to Dream Mapping please contact me today at [email protected] or (678) 310-3017. What are your thoughts? Leave your comments below... Everything that we experience in life is the manifestation of an idea. The universe, earth, and mankind were all once ideas in God's imagination before they came into being. In fact in Genesis 1:1-3, God gives us His formula for bringing ideas into reality, and it starts with your imagination. Why? Because how you utilize your imagination is central to manifesting the resources need to accomplish God's vision in the earth. Your God-given imagination is more powerful than you realize. And when it's under the control of the mind of Christ and the tutorship of the Holy Spirit your possibilities are endless, including how you create income streams for your business and household. After all, He gave us the power to get wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18), the knowledge of witty inventions (Proverbs 8:12), and He said He would lead us in the way that is profitable (Isaiah 48:17). Even your faith is connected to your imagination based on Hebrews 11:1. Recently I recorded a teleseminar entitled, 7 Biblical Strategies to Monetize Your Imagination. The focus of this training session was to help you understand how to unlock the incredible gift He gave you to accomplish the strategies and plans that He has for you. This MP3 is available for only $4.90 if you include the 30% discount (more than likely less than you'll pay for lunch today :) Don't sit on your potential any longer. It's time to unleash what God gave you! I look forward to your feedback. Please leave your comments below... Leaders are learners, which is why at Kingdom Business University we're committed to developing and delivering powerful learning experiences that help Christian entrepreneurs to grow spiritually and financially. That's why we're offering this #CyberMonday special to you as a great incentive to put some powerful resources in your business toolkit.
Everything in the KBU Online Store is 30% off with a special discount code. We are committed to helping transform urban communities through faith-based small business startup and job creation initiatives. As such, 20% of the proceeds from your purchases will go to support our community development partner, Kinsman, Inc. To take advantage of this discount just logon to store.kbuonline.com and use discount code: SBS30 at checkout to take advantage of your special deal. Please partner with us where you can do well by doing some good. And let's keep growing together! |
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