A common theme throughout the Bible is that God often used young people to accomplish extraordinary things. A few examples include David, Samuel, Joseph, Solomon, and Esther. If God could use them as He did, why should we look at their potential any differently?
We need to stop looking at young people as problems in our communities and start looking at them as solutions. Teaching them about business and social enterprise is an excellent way to engage their minds, leverage their talents, and utilize their creativity to change their own communities. Inc. My Dream Young Boss Camp for middle and high school students is happening July 13-24 in Atlanta, GA. For more information and sponsorship opportunities please visit www.mykinsman.org/youth How you ever thought about the economic impact your church is having or the potential it could have in your local community? A study that was conducted a few years ago by Ram Cnaan, a researcher from University of Pennsylvania, attempted to quantify the effect that churches had on the local economy in Philadelphia. Extracting data based on the property value, congregant giving, outreach programs, and other church activities, he was able to draw some interesting conclusions in terms of the financial benefit churches brought to that community, which was in the millions of dollars.
After reading the article, I asked myself a question. What if churches became more intentional about becoming economic evangelists by being more concerned with the spiritual and financial well-being of the residents in the communities where they attend service and hopefully are already serving? In Acts 2:42-47 and 6:1-7, we see a church that was able to ensure no one in their community had any lack, spiritually and naturally. I wonder what would happen if churches focused on not giving money away, but truly empowering people through intentional training and discipleship directly connected to their financial sustainability. Whether it be through financial literacy, job skills, or entrepreneurship, churches are in a unique position not to just offer financial training but to include the needed spiritual principles to go along with it. Click here to earn more about the principles of Economic Evangelism. Read the whole article here. What are your thoughts? Using Youth to Solve Community Challenges Do you know a middle or high school student who wants to solve problems in their own community and use creative strategies to do it? If so we have the perfect opportunity for him/her through Kinsman Community Ministries... Inc. My Dream Young Boss Camp! Youth see the problems in their communities from a grass roots level. This gives them an advantageous perspective to become change agents at an early age when they are not as encumbered by limited thinking and "what can’t be done." We’re going to harness their creativity and entrepreneurial energy to help them see that their voice is powerful and their ideas are valid to bring beneficial changes to make their communities better places to live. And we’re excited about tapping into their creative energy! Partnering to Promote Positive Youth DevelopmentIf you are a business or an individual who has a heart for our youth we have two major ways that you can support this effort...
God bless you and thanks in advance for helping us ignite the changes the need to happen in our communities!
Evangel Ministries in Detroit comes from a very different perspective as it relates to transforming lives in their community. They focus on using entrepreneurship to teach work skills and financial literacy, teach congregants on the details of permitting, and even in some cases provide investment capital for particular businesses. Watch this video to learn more about how they engage their community.
This is an excellent example of Economic Evangelism in action. Hopefully more churches will take their lead in the creative strategies they use to empower people. Click here to read the whole story...
If we look across the country at the major issues facing most urban communities - and in particular the minority populations - three common themes emerge... the lack of Jesus, jobs, and justice. In the video below I share my thoughts on this and how Greater Works Vocational Discipleship Program is addressing these three issues in South Atlanta.
Over the past few months many urban cities across the U.S., including Baltimore and Ferguson, have seen a sharp rise in tensions as a result of police shootings and subsequent protests and rioting. At the core of this unrest for many inner city men is a deep sense of hopelessness that stems from the lack of opportunities and in particular jobs.
Baltimore has shown us that our young men need training and institutions where they can learn to function as real men. An idle mind is the devil’s workshop. Instead of rioting, our inner city men could be learning life skills with promised employment in the Greater Works Vocational Discipleship Program. This is a GAME CHANGER!
We Need Your Financial Assistance to Help These Men
We believe joblessness and homelessness leads to hopelessness and idle time which always leads to violence. Your financial support of Greater Works will enable us to provide training and job opportunities to men and women in South Atlanta / Lakewood who are genuinely interested in improving themselves and their community. Please donate today to the Greater Works initiative.
God bless you and thanks in advance for helping us ignite the changes the need to happen in our communities!
Watch as I share my thoughts on a source and potential solutions of problems in Baltimore and many other urban communities around the country. Let’s ignite the change we want to see. I look forward to your thoughts and feedback.
Watch The Disruptors Streaming Bible Study!
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