“... The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!” ~ Revelation 11:15 Whether you realize it or not (which you should just based on the announcements of the past week), the culture war in our society is intensifying. This war is so much bigger than Democrats vs. Republicans or even nation against nation. I'm talking about the war between the culture of the Kingdom of God and the culture of the earth, which is being greatly influence by satan, who is constantly embedding his values into this world which are in direct conflict with God's desires for humanity. The enemy is fighting hard to keep God's will from being established on earth as it is in Heaven. Fortunately, the issue is not whether the Kingdom of God will win. That outcome has already been determined (see Revelations 11:15 above). The real issue is how many people will be on the winning team with God. We are fighting for the hearts and minds of people to be freed from the evil entrapment they often easily entreat, due to its subtle nature. Christians must be more proactive in living and teaching the Gospel, so that more people can be rescued from the deception of the enemy, who draws people into lies about who they are, who God is, and what He wants for and from their lives. In this culture war eternity is literally hanging in the balance for many people. As the "salt and light" of the earth, bringing lives into God's Kingdom should be our #1 priority. Our engagement is essential. Our commitment is crucial. Our power is unstoppable. And our victory inevitable! Join us this weekend in Suffolk, Virginia for the Kingdom Culture Connection Conference as we discuss strategies to influence the culture for God. Click here for more info... How are we supposed to engage the culture using the agenda of God's Kingdom? Leave your comments below... The new April/May issue of Brotha Online Magazine is ready and available for your exploration. My contribution to this edition is entitled, The Marketplace of Healing (I also have a special accompanying video, click here).
Jesus was in the healing business and regularly healed people in the marketplaces. Mark 6:56 is just one example. Here is a short excerpt of my article: Do you believe God’s healing power is omnipresent? Do you believe people can be healed anywhere, including the workplace? Do you think someone could receive a miracle on your job? Do you believe God could use you to do that? In the Old Testament, God dwelt in buildings, and visited people periodically. However, in the New Testament - which we are still living in now – God chooses to dwell in His people, and is ever-present. 2 Corinthians 6:16-17 tells us, “… for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” So as a living, breathing, moving Temple of the Holy Spirit, Almighty God is with you, even on your job or in your business. He delights in being close to you and wants to be involved in all aspects and details of your life. And since He is at work in you, He also wants to go to work with you! He sees the needs of the people you work with and wants to work through you to help them get a real breakthrough. Christ in you is the hope of glory! Click this link to read the full article: http://brothaonline.com/Editions/AprMay12/Kingdom-Business-Paul-Wilson-Jr.html Click this link for the video: http://Brothaonline.com/Editions/AprMay12/Kingdom-Business-University.html What are you thoughts? How can you use your business to heal people? You can leave your comments below... |
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