Our topic for this episode is “God Ideas & Witty Inventions.” In honor of Black History Month, our Bible study included how God used the ingenious Dr. George Washington Carver to change the agricultural economy of Georgia and the Southeastern United States. We discuss how his story is reminiscent of another scientific miracle that occurred in the Bible. Enjoy and share!
You can watch it here or listen to the audio of The Disruptors Podcast in my mobile app. I also encourage you to join us for our next live broadcast next Monday at 8:30 PM est.
RELATED ARTICLE: George Washington Carver - Divinely Inspired Entrepreneurial Thinker
God gives every man/person a purpose that comes gift-wrapped in a dream. Our marketplace assignment is one of the major strategies God uses for us to fulfill that purpose. These affirmations would help to reinforce who God has called you to be and what he has called you to accomplish for His glory through your business.
It's that time of year when school is starting again all over the country. Parents are ushering their little prodigies into learning environments where hopefully they will be encouraged to dream big and to believe they can be anything they want to be in life. They are inspired and pushed to use their imaginations to the fullest extent. And they should be! It's interesting, though, that for too many children that message changes the closer they get to high school graduation. Subtle shifts in language suggest teens "stop daydreaming" and "grow up," often times translates in their minds to "become a boring adult like me." And then when they become adults they figure that new responsibilities somehow force them to put their dreams on the shelf of life only to be admired from afar. I would argue, especially for you entrepreneurs, that your imagination is critical to your creativity, which is essential to your business growth. You can't allow the pressures of business and life to snuff out your imagination. Daydreaming is just as important now - maybe even moreso - than it was when you were in grade school. My friend Patrice Tsague, Chief Servant Officer of entrepreneurship training organization Nehemiah Project, says about dreaming: "Dreaming is giving our imagination the freedom to conceive future possibilities that are not bound by our current reality. It is the freedom to explore without having to worry about the cost or consequences because you have not involved intellect in the process. Dreaming is freedom, and if you never dream, you will never do great things." You absolutely need your imagination to develop one-of-a-kind products, create innovative marketing campaigns, provide your customers with unforgettable service, and many more things that can distinguish your business from all others. Your imagination can be a competitive advantage if you use it the right way.
I encourage you to take some time today to daydream about your business. It could be just what you need to grow like never before! When we assess a community's struggle with generational poverty, we must not overlook the role played by young people in help break destructive cycles and create positive ones. Some key ares we need to focus on to equip at-risk youth to make significant economic progress include financial literacy, youth employment, and youth entrepreneurship. That's why I was so excited when I read about Hillside High School in Durham, North Carolina, which opened a bank run by its students. According to WUNC North Carolina Public Radio:
This is an incredibly innovative move by Hillside H.S. and Woodforest Bank to bring economic solutions to a community that needs more access to economic resources and tools to empower itself. Hopefully more banks and schools across the country will follow their lead to help challenged communities creates cycles of prosperity.
Read the entire article here: http://wunc.org/post/durham-ncs-hillside-high-school-first-open-bank Here's a quick survey to determine how truly ready you are for 2015 to be the greatest year ever in your business:
If you answered "Yes!" to any of these questions then you need to join me for a special tele-seminar, Dream Mapping for Entrepreneurs, tonight at 8 PM EST. Call-in: (712) 432-0850 Access code: 1030781# You have been in the wilderness of your dreams for too long. It's time for you to take over your promise land! Please leave your comments below... This is an excerpt from a chapter of my highly anticipated new book, Inc. My Dream: A God Inspired Process To Turn Your BIG Into A Dream Business. Learn more about this resource for business startups and those who need a fresh start in your business at www.incmydream.com. ************ You have probably heard it said that good ideas are “a dime a dozen.” It is really fairly easy to come up with a “good” idea for a business. However, while these ideas may seem good at the time of conception, they are not necessarily good for you. Why is that?
Every idea that comes to your mind is not meant for you to do. Moreover, ideas you see working for other people may not be meant for you to do. You must identify what God has called you to do and stick to that. Many Christians spend a lot of time dealing with trial and error in their businesses, because they don’t take the time to get all the needed instructions from God. And while He redeems our time and experiences, some trials could be avoided and time could be saved by only doing what God has truly told us to do, not just allowed us to do. Do you realize that having the mind of Christ is more than helping us think pure thoughts and make the right decisions? Although, these aspects are critical to a holy human life, they are not the only qualities of Christ's mind that were meant to benefit us here on the earth. Continue reading The Deception of Good Ideas at http://brothaonline.com/daily/619-the-deception-of-good-ideas-by-paul-wilson-jr Please leave you comments below... I’m convinced that the mind of Christ is the most underutilized resource within the Body of Christ. When we engage Christ’s mind, we not only get his perspective on things, we also get access to all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge in the universe. In the video below as I explain this dynamic of tapping into His mind and activating the divine characteristics of entrepreneurship that He put in you. Enjoy... Leave your comments...
Reserve your copy of Inc. My Dream: A God Inspired Process to Turn Your BIG Idea a Dream Business today at www.incmydream.com!
RELATED: Inc. My Dream 201 - Who Will This Book Help? Leave your comments below... "… I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you by the way you should go." Isaiah 48:17 Do you realize that God's plans for you do not include you living in fruitless frustration? His desire is that you would prosper in every way. Unfortunately, many Christians have not understood or embraced the principles and strategies God uses to transform their spiritual relationship with Him into a prosperous life. One of these principles is to recognize in scripture that miracles most often occurred when God's ideas were manifested through human obedience.
That's why I know that my highly anticipated forthcoming book, Inc. My Dream: A God Inspired Process to Turn Your BIG Idea Into A Dream Business, will equip you to be able to transform the ideas God gives you into profitable businesses that glorifies Him and transforms lives. Just go to www.incmydream.com to learn more about this unique and dynamic resource that will help you make the successful transition from dreaming about business to doing it! I look forward to your comments below... Big businesses often gets a bad rap because of practices that lead many people to believe they are only motivated by greed, selfishness, and an unyielding pursuit of profits by any means necessary. Well of course every business doesn't operate like this - especially those built on Kingdom principles - so it's really cool when you hear a story about a company who does something unique, creative and impactful for its customers. Enjoy this awesome video about what WestJet did during a recent Christmas season... What are you thoughts on this video and how your company could go out of its way to create a special experience for customers? Leave your comments below... |
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