This is an excerpt from a chapter of my soon to be released, highly anticipated book, Inc. My Dream: A God Inspired Process To Turn Your BIG Into A Dream Business. Learn more about this resource for business startups and those who need a fresh start in your business at * * * * * * * * * * * * ![]() In the Kingdom of God and in business, relationships are the most important element. Broken down to its most common denominator, the Bible is a book about the eternal relationship between God and people, and how people are supposed to relate to one another. If you break business down to its most common denominator, the key success factor still comes down to building strong relationships. God passionately loves people. Therefore, we should passionately love people. God invested His most valuable asset to redeem humanity and reconcile us back to Him. (Side note: In our society we use the words redemption and reconciliation in financial contexts, which gives you an idea of how closely related the Kingdom and business are.). Kingdom entrepreneurs get the privilege and opportunity to love people through your business. As mentioned earlier in this book, your business is an answer to somebody’s prayer. But it’s not just that. Your business is also an answer to the call to serve. Love is not often associated with doing business. However, when you serve people through your creativity, ingenuity, quality, and excellence, you are demonstrating love through your business. God sees your investment of time, talent, and resources and will honor your efforts. Business gives Christians the opportunity to use your God-given gifts strategically and purposefully to help others. First Peter 4:9-11 reads, “God has given gifts to each of you from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Manage them well so that God's generosity can flow through you… Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then God will be given glory in everything through Jesus Christ…” When Kingdom businesspeople allow God’s generosity to flow through you as you exercise your gifts in the marketplace, you are able to have a positive impact on every life that you have the opportunity to touch. Even more, you become fulfilled in your purpose here on the earth when you enhance another’s life with your endowed uniqueness. In this day and time so many businesses seem to no longer value excellent customer service. The reality is they don’t understand the blessings promised by God when we love the people He created. When you serve people with a great deal of care and concern, you greatly increase the potential of them moving from just being customers to becoming raving fans. Don’t fall into this society’s trap of thinking that love has no place in your business. In fact it is absolutely essential to the success of your business. When you love people God’s way, your reward will be earthly and eternal. Loving your customers is not random or haphazard. It is very strategic. It is planned and executed through branding, marketing, and sales. ********** Coming in August Kingdom Business University will be offering a new marketing and sales course entitled, Love Thy Customers: Break Out Marketing Strategies to Accelerate Your Sales Growth. This course will teach you how to:
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