Just recently the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia ended and the many winners were awarded either a gold, silver, or bronze medal. Interestingly, while most people who observed these great athletes would typically associate passionate, practice, perseverance, a never-quit attitude, and many other key attributes with their path to success, I realized something significant that I believe most people overlooked. Winners are quitters. They identify the self-limiting thinking and behaviors that stifle their growth, development, and prosperity and then resolve to repent, i.e. turn and go in a new direction. Quitting will lead to winning when you quit the right things. Not quitting certain things keeps you in a "doom loop" that has no ending and on-going frustrations. In the case of the Olympians, they quit eating unhealthy food, being lazy, avoiding hard work, wasting time, doing anything that didn't get them closer to their goals, and the list could go on. Well neither you nor I are an Olympian, but we are champions who God has called to succeed in our game of life. ![]() Go to www.brothaonline.com to continue reading I Quit… So I Would Win to see a few things that I've been quitting. You might also see something that you need to quit. When I hear a lot of Christian businesspeople using terminology like "I'm on my grind" or "rise and grind" it makes me cringe a little. It makes me wonder if by their own words they are creating more of a challenge for themselves than necessary. Are you prophesying difficulty into your day or your business by declaring that you're "grinding?" If you are grinding without grace you are toiling, which is what Adam had to do - and everyone else since him - after the fall. Jesus came to break the curse which included us no longer having to toil for our survival. He said "my yoke is easy and my burden is light," which means the work I do for Him is empowered by grace. I should be flowing with God as I work in my business. I also should have a sense of peace in what I'm doing while I'm doing it. What I'm not saying is that you can be lazy or produce shoddy work because "the Lord has your back" so to speak. You still must be diligent, faithful, and produce excellence in all your work. It just shouldn't kill you out in the process. RELATED: Stop Working So Hard in Your Business Consider this example: If you had to push a cart down a train track, grace would be like oil that lubricates the rails allowing the cart to glide along smoothly. When you're grinding you don't have any oil on the rails and your effort is much more difficult. In both cases you still have to work, but grace makes your work much smoother. Let's look at the difference between working by grind vs. grace: RELATED: Incorporate the Mind of Christ in Your Business
God doesn't love you because of what you can do for Him. You don't qualify for God's love by working harder. You can't increase His love for you by completing projects that you call working in your purpose. He loves you just because you're you. And because He does you're empowered to do more with Him than without Him. So stop grinding and start working by grace! What are you thoughts about this? I would love to read your feedback below... ![]() Your IDENTITY is connected to your PROSPERITY in the Kingdom of God. How much you receive in 2014 in accordance with God's purpose and plans for you is directly connected to the question that you must answer, which is "to be or not to be?" Will you accept that you are God's beloved child with special privileges and authority or will you believe the enemy's lies and keep striving toward something that God already says you are? It's time to stop living below who God says you are and accept your identity as a Kingdom citizen. Here's a short list of some of your identity qualities and characteristics…
Your Kingdom success in 2014 is not going to be based on what you make happen. It's going to be based on you accepting and receiving what has already happened through Jesus Christ. In the world of Christian entrepreneurship it often seems like there is a huge supply of ideas but a lack of wisdom, i.e. implementation with fruitfulness. I say this on the basis of I see a lot of trial and error and not a lot of surety of implementing what we hear from God. However the word of God tells us in James 1 that He gives wisdom liberally to those who ask for it. Jesus was always in the right place at the right time doing the right things primarily because he spent so much time with God. He even said I only do what my father shows me (John 5:19). After all Jesus did say we would be greater works than he did (John 14:12) Maybe if we as Christian entrepreneurs spent more time on our faces vs on Facebook then we would receive more direct revelation from God that would be applicable to our businesses. I'm not bashing social media (I use it a lot), but what I'm saying is that if everyday we're waiting on Facebook or TV or the Internet or any other source rather than God for instruction and direction then we will continue on the path of trial and error and take longer to get to the promise land where God has already prepared for us and our businesses to succeed. Now of course God can use any source to get wisdom to us, however His primary desire is that we will connect with Him more one-to-one. Proportional accuracy is the correlation between how much time we spend with God and how accurate we are in our decision-making. This is not a measure of a specific ratio or any other type of mathematical formula but is more of a spiritual indicator that is applied through self-evaluation to understand and recognize the opportunity to get more things right and fewer things wrong. If Jesus was truly leading your business as the CEO I'm sure the very first question he would ask is am I even supposed to be in this business? Follow up questions would include am I doing what God said to do to make this business profitable and sustainable or am I following the crowd and just doing whatever everyone else has said to do to be successful? I'm sure there are plenty more he would ask but this us a good start for you to help determine if you're headed in the right direction and functioning optimally. The rest of the questions you can ask as you spend more quality time with him. Enjoy the journey! How do you think Jesus would lead your business differently than you? Leave your comments below... ![]() By now most people are familiar with Duck Dynasty and the Robertsons, who built a multi-million dollar sporting empire manufacturing duck calls in Monroe, Louisiana and according to A&E TV "have earned a seat in homes across the country with their special brand of downhome practicality, southern charm and sharp sense of humor." To me the best thing about this family is their opportunity to share Jesus with the world on a weekly basis. The video below, featuring the patriarch of the family Phil Robertson, is a powerful example of how a life can be eternally changed that initiated from a simple business transaction. This Christian entrepreneur is having a Kingdom impact on their customers and others. Many Christian entrepreneurs don't think they're qualified to preach because they don't stand in a pulpit on Sundays, but don't realize God has already given them a platform to shine from Monday through Friday in their business. If you want to have a great impact in the world, start right where you are and watch God work through you while you're at work! How do you use your business as a platform to represent Jesus? Leave your comments below... It's extremely important for Christian entrepreneurs to realize that your business is a ministry. Otherwise you will undervalue the opportunities God gives you everyday to serve and impact people through your business. One of the foremost experts in the Body of Christ who articulates better than most is David Doty, who has more than thirty years' experience as a three-time small business entrepreneur, board membership, and business coach for several not-for-profits and small businesses. He is the author of Eden’s Bridge: The Marketplace in Creation and Mission – which is the first articulation of a biblically-based theology of the marketplace as an institution of God. In a recent blog David discusses the significance of business as ministry. Here's a excerpt: "So, how exactly is it that business is ministry? The answer lies in the nature of creation itself, which emanates from the nature of the godhead. The central focus of God as God and of creation as a product of God’s nature, character, and will, is relationship. Ministry is simply the mediation of the relationship between God and humankind, and business, as a vital institution in human society, is fundamentally about the facilitation of relationships. It is not the only institution that mediates the relationship of the divine and the temporal but it is perhaps as significant as any simply by the fact that it is the institution by which we survive and even thrive. Read the entire article Business is Ministry here: http://edensbridge.org/2013/10/18/business-is-ministry/ What are you thoughts on the concept of business is ministry? Leave your comments below... I love it when I have the opportunity to interview people who are diverse in their talents and using them in unique ways that glorify God. This Thursday on Passion in Action TV I have the privilege to interview Dr. Mark Williams, a board-certified ear, nose, and throat physician. In addition to his establishing his private surgical practice on the campus of Southern Hills Medical Center, he is also an adjunct assistant professor at Meharry Medical College and founded the Voice Care Center of Nashville, where he specializes in treating and preventing voice problems in Christian and Gospel music artists. As an independent gospel recording artist himself, Dr. Williams has a keen insight to not only the medical and surgical implications of voice disturbances, but also the many spiritual impacts. ![]() You can learn more about this dynamic man of God and how he uses his talents in business and ministry this Thursday at 7 PM EST at www.passioninaction.tv. Don't forget to invite your friends. See you Thursday! ![]() Last week I started teaching an 8-week bible study for entrepreneurs and business leaders through Kingdom Business University with the theme "Kings, Priests, and Profits." The purpose of this Bible study is to equip Christian marketplace leaders with the spiritual and practical tools to execute God's plan for their business profitably and sustainably. Our focus over the first few weeks is God initial interactions with Solomon. In 2 Chronicles 1 God sets forth a pattern with Solomon that Christian business leaders can glean from in terms of how we are to incorporate God into our work lives: 1) Worship (2 Chronicles 1:1-10), 2) Wisdom (2 Chronicles 1:11-13), and 3) Wealth (2 Chronicles 1:14-17). Worship is critical to this process because it’s an opportunity for Him through His Spirit to send thoughts to human minds that must turn invisible ideas into visible manifestations. For Christian entrepreneurs this is an opportunity to create streams of revenues through a business that honors God and creates value in the earth. Incorporating worship into your business as a best practice allows at least 4 key benefits...
I included my teaching notes from week 2 to give you an idea of what we'll be covering during this series. Just download and enjoy! ![]()
What are you thoughts on worship as a business best practice? Please provide your comments below...
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![]() Dream B.I.G. in 3D will take you on an internal treasure hunt to connect your career path to your purpose. Click here to learn more...
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