Prayer is the Incubator of B.I.G. Dreams
Nobody has ever done anything big for God without prayer. The Dream Catalyst Prayer Group on Facebook was launched to assist you with living at the highest level God planned for you to live. Why is that important? Because the fulfillment of your dream matters to the people God called you to reach through the manifestation of your purpose. I pray God will provide you with the spiritual inspiration and practical instructions you need to shift your life from striving to thriving. Let's Talk About Your Dreams
You can schedule a FREE consultation with me with to discuss your dreams, goals, and plans! |
Dream Catalyst Prayer Call Playlist
*Note: On certain weeks I will be posting the teaching notes for those calls.
Mothers Day Special - A Dream Delayed But Not Denied
A Fail-Proof Dream Success Plan
Your Dream is Connected to God's Plans
Defeating Discouragement
The power to Get Wealth Is a Spiritual Gift
Why Asking Amiss is Stopping Your Dream
The Dream Giver
Audio (click to listen)
Teaching Notes
Grace vs. Grind - Part 1
Audio (click to listen)
Teaching Notes
Grace vs. Grind - part 2 (The Power to BEcome!)
Audio (click to listen)
Teaching Notes
The Gift
Audio (click to listen)
Teaching Notes
Using Right Words to Frame Your World
Coming soon!
*** Contact me to schedule a time to talk about your dream! ***