Today I have the unenviable task of sharing some hard truths with you. You're not good enough to be successful. You're not smart enough. You're not talented enough. You're not educated enough. You don't have enough money. You don't have the right network. You don't have enough good ideas. You're not experienced enough. You're not creative enough. I could go on, but hopefully you get the point. You don't have all that it takes to be successful in your business or life... if you only consider what you bring to the table. "When we display our righteous deeds, they are nothing but filthy rags." ~ Isaiah 64:6 In our society we spend a lot of time building people up by telling them how great they are, but we often exclude the most significant part of the equation. You see all of the above statements are true when God is left out of the mix. It doesn't matter what you accomplish in your business or how much money you make or how many people you impress if God has not been greatly impressed upon your heart. If He's not the central focus of your life, all your works will be burned up like hay or stubble (1 Corinthians 3:12-15). Furthermore, you will work a whole lot harder and your path will be much more difficult when you try to go it alone and not leverage the most incredible strategic advantage that anyone could have. "I am what I am by God’s grace..." ~ 1 Corinthians 15:10 God's goal is to equip and empower you with supernatural wisdom, strength, creativity, favor, and everything else you need to get amazing results and change lives through the work He's anointed and appointed you to do. He wants to show up for you in miraculous ways, especially in those situations when you know you don't have the right degree, the right friends, enough money, or experience to get the job done. He gets the greatest glory when His strength is on display through your weaknesses (2 Corinthians 12:9). These light-shining moments when people look at what you accomplished and are simply in awe at what God did through you (Matthew 5:16). He wants to make these moments normal in your life. RELATED: The Entrepreneurial Mind of Christ: Applying Kingdom Strategies that Build Business Success On the other hand, the enemy tries to deceive us by trying to make us believe half truths. Remember, those statements listed above are only true when we leave God out of the mix. Unfortunately, sometimes we swallow the deception, thinking that we're being humble, but in reality oftentimes we're trying to mask self-condemnation. Humility is not denying the greatness for which God created you. Humility is recognizing that without Him you have no greatness. God does not want to disregard or discount your past accomplishments. He just wants you to submit them to Him so He can show you how to use them in ways you never would have thought of, so you can achieve successes you never could have imagined. So while it's true the you're not good enough without Him, it's even more true that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! Leave your comments below... ******************** |
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